Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

But yea like I’ve said there are Dutch, Belgium flags and a few Dutch aircraft in the files so it’s not totally off topic

What way better options are there? That would actually interest me. You can DM them to me so we won’t continue with this offtopic.

Isn’t the Finnish Leo a Dutch one ?

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Korea, Yugoslavia, poland easy and quick

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The argument just always ends up between benelux fanboys and german mains too lazy to grind another tech tree.

I think we should just have a banned word list with at least benelux on it.

yeah bought them from the netherlands

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My guess would be next week too, either that or very maybe this friday.

But I’m going with the former.

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Thanks and yeah Yugoslavia would be fun that’s true Poland is kinda like all the Warsaw pact countries just USSR stuff isn’t it? So why the hate on Benelux en

So two Fokkers, Leo, B-25, Hawk or what ever it is lol and flags

We are so close :(

Alright I’m guessing next week then but I’m rooting for Friday.

i do have planned to start the chinese tree to try and see the redfor site of gameplay (dont want russia for reasons), it is just that i dont have finished the german trees yet and finish that one first


very fun gameplay

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poland brings a more diverse line up and possivle new additions like the K2 Black Panther as well, while benelux top tier mostly is copy paste


honestly have no clue why he places korea way above it when they would just be another israel-style tree with barely any unique air

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I understand your point really but a tech tree doesn’t only consist of top tier you have to admit that.

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to keep on topic i hope next update you get banned

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Poland can exist with a tree consisting entirely of vehicles with only the Polish flag on their statcard. The Netherlands (no I will not acknowledge benelux as a tree) requires another nation to work.

time and time again, i can answer that easily, i am more intrested in modern equipment and in case of benelux it doesnt bring much intresting besides the cockatrill turrets, even aviation for korea in modern times is more intresting the one of benelux

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That a point he started a flame war so that a few days ban : D

Can you send me a link to a proposed polish tech tree with only polish vehicles?