Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Dunno what they actually ended up using, was just reading up on which options they were offering, considering they built em themselves

they have a whole damn website

sorry, but a nation with only stinger missles as top tier spaa… is just bad

A nation isn’t about top tier


it is an important factor and needs to be viable there as well, like we see with israel they are more inclined to just skip low tier

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Thank you that’s exactly what I have been thinking about as well.


Bruh, those trees look even worse than the Chinese tech trees

It probably does, but the key problems with that type of camera is that it have very limited motion when it comes to looking left or right, and this problem is even more pronounced on the Su-34 where the air intakes would block its view even if the camera could. Western style targeting pods on the other hand that hang low, are great for guiding in munitions while flying completely sideways or away from your target, all without having to worry too much about the orientation of you plane. I’ve used this to great effect with my JH-7A

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you know if that’s an issue you can just make it a dutch tree with a large belgian subtree and voilà

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why u think i fight so much against it, low tier is unique, then the cockatrill turret light tanks, thats it nothing more

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Dude you just as bad by calling us out too

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Anyway there are Dutch and Belgium flags in the files so it’s not totally off topic @_Woe

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Yes… that’s what I said. However since the Netherlands can’t stand on its own very well without the Belgians I think they should be skipped for now in favor of countries that can support themselves.

even if they would start with a netherland solo tree, that cant even support itself either, they need to add them together, netherlands only real uniques are fenneks maybe at mid /high tier. Belgium has way more unique tanks, but those are only lights and you cant only release a light tank tree without mbts sooo yeah

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hey, i left it around and stopped, i wasnt the one that started the topic again

We talked about having a devblog today but some people said later probably. So when do you guys think we will see the first devblogs? Next week?

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My bets are on next week


i dont even wanna talk about the benelux tree, i never start the matter someone else brings it up when it is just a ridiculous tree idea when there are way better options

We are regulars remember so if one get a ban that not fair is it lmao ;P

Everyone here should get one so it will be a thread that @_Woe like

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Alright thanks for the approx*