Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I think a NK sub tree would be interesting for China as well as maybe a Pakistani one, but that’s a whole other can of worms )

N/S Korea are two countries disagreeing over who is the real Korea. The Benelux is three different countries, not the same thing at all.

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You mean the Saab 105ÖE in the swedish tree?

True but I don’t find that to be much of an issue because nato spaa’s are admittedly pathetic so the additional range of movement wouldn’t do a whole lot. That’s my experience with them though, can’t speak for others

If Benelux can take a piece of pie,why can’t our mighty Genghis Khan take one.Let’s bring out the power of Central Asia,Kazakhstan etc.

Just kidding.;-)

That too, but I’m talking about the light tank in the french tree. SK-105A2.

IMO if an suggested Tree offers more then 65% unique/uniquely modified ground vehicles and more then 50% unique/uniquely modified aircraft then i think its a worthy nation.


yeah but so realy nothing special, dont know if the Pandur IFVs even got weaponized. They got nothing like a “star” vehicle like Hungarys KF41 or anything similar

true as well

Didn’t even know that thing existed, doesn’t help that the Saab 105 is also designated the SK60, which is why I thought there was some confusion going on lol

Yep and the Benelux fit’s in there as snug as a bug


Nothing in the game, in general, is fully properly modelled. That is NOT a knock on the game, and it’s NOT a bad thing.

This is not a full fidelity sim, and even products that market themselves as such, are not full fidelity either. The true capabilities of all the planes, tanks, missiles, ERA, and everything else we discuss back and forth are still classified enough that we don’t know the true extent of what these things can do. There’s a degree of theoretical application to all of it.

Often Gaijin tries to use coding and values to emulate what would occur in a real life scenario (a great example is ERA and anti-ERA mechanics). I don’t believe that the R-73 is actually modelled for it’s image processing in the seeker head, nor the other particulars that I don’t know as well in the IRCCM department. The physics are still messed up too, and fixing those would make the R-73 too agile for the furballs we are in now.

I don’t want to make the R-73 sound completely broken either, compared to what you can get away with in a 20-30g missile the R-73 is playing on EZ mode. But against it’s peers, it’s just not good enough. I don’t envy the devs, it’s hard to strike the right balance, I just don’t get why, if the MiG-29 9.13 for balance purposes, is limited to the R-60M, that the devs couldn’t do something like 4 R-73, 4 R-27R/T’s, 2 ER/ET’s for the Su-27. It would still be incredibly powerful, but it would still be balanced enough to not be ridiculous.

Needs to be Su-30M or Su-30MK (MKK obviously for China) to do multirole well, and yes, I see your point. Su-30M would finally have the payload and the airframe to be the cancer in ground RB that the F-16 is. It would be nice tbh.

Fog is fun because it forces you to CAS differently, or even stay in a ground unit, but they need to do something similar to the grass-in-sights filter for non-thermal pods and fog. It doesn’t have to be as good as thermal, but something so that if I at least strain my eyes, I can manually beam down a laser guided.

Similar, but not the same. Pretty sure at least the Su-24 has a wider FOV camera/lens than the MiG-27K.

Pandur Is can be armed with 20mm autocannons or 90mm turrets at the very least, Pandur II is the one that never got armed I reckon

ehhhh, not exactly 65% , those realy arent uniquely modified

Not really. Mainly because there would be no “benelux tree” since Gaijin doesn’t do coalition trees. Also Luxembourg isn’t contributing to this tree at all. It would just be a Dutch tree with some Belgian vehicles mixed in.

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from what i am finding austria only has seem to be used the ifv version with 20mm autocannon

Is there a BeNeLux ground tree around anywhere, because the air tree doesn’t look like something worth adding

what do you mean, those HMVs are important

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Benelux tree would be amazing. Especially Dutch Navy tree.


With the recent buffs too SPAA Andy advantage helps, but either way, thermals for the sake of actually finding targets is a big help in my experience