Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Jesus,What am I reading?Some kind of internal meeting of the Third Reich?About netherland?

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Short end of the stick
Germany suffers = They want to make a EU type of thing in game so Germany won’t suffer anymore.

Personally I believe we should refrain from adding any more nations for a bit, not many nations left have any meaningful amount of vehicles let alone usable ones

Pls,someone pls remove the fog in Air RB.Good for u and good for me…

South Korea and Poland both have many, with Czech vehicles not far behind.

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Fog in air rb is fine I’d say because it makes ground hugging at least a little risky. Ground rb is just bad because it gives one nation a massive advantage over others
(No the pantsir or tor don’t fix that issue considering their tracking radars still barely work)

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Emmm like what they have been doing for two years now ?

Tbh with you I have most of the stuff for air and I’m getting the feeling of the game wrapping up for me. As I played most of low to mid tier stuff and it’s just boring now

I don’t think Germany suffers, neither do I think they absolutely need a dedicated sub-tree

However if they were to become the home for some nation (apart from Argentina) it would definitely be Austria and/or Romania

Smin confirmed more Romanian vehicles to italy.

Which lines up to the IAR 80 blog of putting minor axis nations into Italy

On the air front most of these nations would just be a few low performance early props and 1 to 2 low performance jets with more foreign made designs we already have tbh

i might be uneducated, but does austria even have any noteworthy addition?

Well, guess which one is the last remaining Axis nation, apart from the ones that could be better used in a Czechoslovakia/Yugoslavia tech tree

It’s fine, there’s really only 3 countries that can hope to stand on their own (N/S Korea, Poland, Yugoslavia), and one of them requires its mortal enemy in order to start below rank 5. Doubtful we’d see any of them for a while anyway.

I still would love to see the oplot.
And the resulting community meltdown c:

Which one?I don’t really get it.

Btw have there been any reliable leaks yet? I’ve been out of the loop for a little

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Ulan and Pandur IFVs, J35Ö, Saab 105ÖE, probably some helis
Nothing that would be able to carry a tech tree or even sub-tree on its own I believe

Just spread our vehicles out across nations as event vehicles.

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I mean they have the SK 105 thing in the french tree.

Still wouldn’t address the issue of no thermals. Having a thermal pod is inherently a big advantage, especially one with a wide range of motion for the camera so they can look fully left and right as well. The Camera on the Su-24 and even on the Su-34 would both run into similar problems as the Mig-27K, where they just don’t have as wide of a field of motion as western targeting pods, and so can guide weapons while evading or flying away as easily.

Also thermals just make it so much easier too find targets on the ground, even in clear weather