Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I hope they don’t until they can be bothered to implement proper ECM


There might be, if they wouldnt just go for something totally random or miss a plane at altitude from 10km launch headon. And dont forget the radar on its launch platform is utter dog and blind. The US radars are thousand times better in searching for targets and maintaining lock.

And you’re definitely not the only one. If I were to go to some daycare and tell one of those random crayon eaters to just stay somewhat close to the ground to survive they’d succeed. If avoiding a weapon system is that easy something has to be done

For how A2A combat works in War Thunder, at least at RB, I don’t think early Hornets are as good as people are thinking. They should dump energy pulling hard AOA, but they can rate pretty decently in low&slow. Su-27 should still out rate an early F-18 at least, but it would be very close, and fuel loads would possibly come into play as well.

F-18 would be good at BVR with the AIM-120’s, but unless they go straight to the C, the 120A’s will still be slower than the 27ER/T’s. Mid range, with teammates nearby, you should be able to mop up with people, if they aren’t paying attention, which happens a lot. Should be fun, but I don’t think it compares well enough against the Su-27.

F-16 in a rate fight, F-15C with AESA and AIM-120C’s, both would be better in their respective areas. Don’t know European stuff, but the first generation of Eurofighters were supposed to counter the Su-27, so my guess is that would be another counter.

People don’t realise that BVR fights can be just as engaging and fun as a dogfight, having to use actual strategies like notching, chaffing, going cold, sneaking up, and the fun balancing act of using high altitude to get your missile into thinner air whilst also balancing the risk of being more vulnerable up there…

SARH missiles not going for their intended target or straight up missing also isn’t limited to russia or the R-27

I don’t even care much for what people think of it to be honest lol
I just think that nothing above rank 1 should require that little brain usage

And yet, if played right, without jamming in game, AIM-7’s are a more reliable kill than any IR missile (except for maybe the 9M). We eventually have to rely on our IR missiles, and the R-73 is still not modelled properly (yes I know it’s for balance). I’d rather have 4 AIM-7’s instead of 4 R-73’s, no question.

At least with 6 R-77’s you’ll get closer to having some reliability, but we’ll see.

Also ET’s are cool, but both the T and ET still flare WAY too easily. Not worth the pylon spot 90% of the time.

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What about the R-73 is wrong? Radar is more my thing so I kinda just don’t know. I heard something about it dividinf its seeker into multiple sectors and that it uses that to help with irccm but that was ages ago so I don’t even know if that’s true or not

The problem I have with the Su-24, is that it’s already a bit late too the party, kinda like the Aardvarks. Even if we get the good version, the Su-24M, that’s just a slightly better Mig-27K, and runs into the same problems such as no thermal targeting pod, which is something the Russians could really use about now as other nations keep getting them. In this sense the Su-30 would be a good solution…

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They could also just remove fog from ground battles because I’m pretty sure no one likes it anyways. At least I have yet to meet someone who does and I’ve played a lot since last update.
Or they could finally give the 29 it’s pod together with the usual Russian laser guided weapons but considering they’ve been told to do this more than people asking “where muh amraam bruh” I don’t have a lot of faith that they’ll actually do it. Funnily enough the thermal pod for the Frogfoot has been in the files for god knows how long though so, hey who knows. They might be bothered with the 25 at some point at least

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I want air night battles back :c


I genuinely love fog and other weather effects and I’m also pretty disappointed ground night battles are now limited to 10.0+

so what i’m getting from one guy is that WW2 matters to get austria into germany, but someone else tells me WW2 doesn’t matter to get the netherlands into germany…

You and the guy above you are psychopaths lmao

To be honest, I don’t think the netherlands should be added to the german tech tree, their relationship during WW2 wasn’t very good to put it mildly


I mean sure but where else would they go?

Dunno, they don’t have to be added as a sub-tree or even a tree of their own

Be an independent tree

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I don’t think you can make an entire tree from the non existent amount of vehicles the Dutch have used. Only a naval tree maybe if they dare to go into paper vehicles for them.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m Dutch myself, I’d like to colonize warthunder just as much as my other cheese eating brethren but I wouldn’t know with what

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