Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)


Dunno, I didn’t write history

cause Germanic

Ok so like I said no real difference.

You won’t be using that performance anyway when you have to keep yourself exposed for the 30-40 seconds it takes the hellfire to finally reach it’s target and do some minor damage.

Also, Bars is an excellent radar for being PESA, and Su-30SM2 has better flight characteristics than J-16.

If you’re talking BVR, obviously AESA is an advantage, but that’s hardly the full picture. It’s hard to deny the J-16 has captured the attention of Russia, and the global community for that matter, in being “the best” Flanker. It’s not an insult to the Flanker, or to the Russian variants either.

again germany could use it since pars 3 are unreliable, besides that a good bit of hellfires would be fixed if gajin adds the direct fire mode

Hmmmm, feels kinda sensible, actually!

Do we have land vehicles and vessels from whatever source that is?

Haha it’s cute that you think hellfires will be fixed while thinking they won’t touch PARS 3 at the same time.

If they ever wanted to fix the hellfires they would have done it somewhere in the past 3,5 years the AH-64D has been in game now.

With all the new F&F missiles being added PARS stand a better chance of getting fixed than hellfires.

I’ll be honest, I have not expected it to come in any patch in the last year, or even now. I just have realized, as I’ve played more top tier Air, as I’ve seen the game develop, and as I’ve better understood the Su-27, that it really could, and I think should come at any future patch starting with possibly this patch.

Again, I don’t expect it, but the early Su-27 would just be a more capable missile bus than it’s current American peers, and should be tiered appropriately somewhere between where the F-14B and F-14D would be.

What disappoints me is that the Su-27 as an early jet shouldn’t have ARH missiles, and can find a home in the game as it exists now, but instead we’ll get more crap for the MiG-29 because that’s easier than creating a new model etc.

6× R-27ER + 4× R-73 can absolutely not find a home in the game as it exists. That is probably just as broken as the F-14A was at release.

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I am not aware of any votes, however based on history alone Austria should most definitely be part of the german tech tree ingame, coz, you know, WW2 is rather important ingame and Austria was “integrated” into Germany at that time
When considering both history and gap filling capabilities Croatia and/or Romania would be much better options tho

6x R-27ER/ET on their own would already be way too much

And yet 2x R-27ER and 4x R-73’s isn’t really much either. ER’s and ET’s are great, they get the job done generally, but the R-73 just isn’t what everyone cracks it up to be. Until they properly model it’s IRCCM, we’re gonna be handicapped by what they give the the other nations, and paradoxically, as it stands, the AIM-9M is already better than the 73 due to it’s sustained flight and abusive flare resistance.

I’m used to basically playing like a rat/vulture in my MiG, I just wish I didn’t have to. It would be nice to just loft a few BVR missiles, and then casually spam my immune god missiles at everyone, and then fly away in my broken FM.

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They are still one of the top 3 IR missiles, only really having to compete with the 9M and Magic II.

Nobody is able to play BVR like an Su-27 would be able to do. It would be ridiculously overpowered. What you are asking for is to be pretty much unbeatable in BVR while also being extremely strong at close range.

It is a counterpart to the F-15 and these to should not be added seperately from eachother. Doing so would just be a recipe for balance disaster.

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1000% agree it should have a counterpart. F-15A or F-14D would probably, for game function and balance, be the best patch mate for it.


Or the f18 or no?

How,they are literally useless in current meta cause everyone hugs ground, and ET goes after first flare. The R-73s are also very pathethic compared to 9M. If they ever fix these, then maybe, but even R-77 wont save the poor SMT performance, neither will even heavier fighter such as Su-27. Even with R-77s added,the game will be again dominated by US and it wont change, maybe until Gaijin implements PL-12 and does it correctly as it should outrange AMRAAM C-5.

You do realise that SARH missiles being countered by hugging the deck applies to all nations, right?
Out of all SARH missiles the R-27ER definitely are the strongest ones and the 27ET still is a very potent missile when used right


I mean the R-77 outranges the AIM-120A/B by a fair margin. If they just make ground hugging harder by decreasing that altitude (which they should because having to put this little effort into avoiding an entire set of weapons is just stupid) it would be fair I’d say. It’d be a similar situation to AIM-7 vs R-27 where the US here more missiles but the USSR’s are just a little better

I hope they massively nerf the ability to hug the ground to avoid missiles.

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