Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, this one actually seems believable. Probably not too far off from what we’re actually going to see.

and opens a big can of possible worms many people would start demanding shit


Already fake

It really depends how they get represented. If they just get dragged into a tech tree because some radical main of that natuons want 2 of their specific vehicles? Yeah no thank you.

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As it stands, no. There are a couple of nations that could help germany out in the time between the introduction of BVRAAMs and the Eurofighters arrival

We saw that many Hungarians and Finnish fans were happy to see their nation implemented, but neither of those trees were ever really comparable to the likes of Benelux in their independent potential.
Benelux is far from the best if you ask me, but it is a relatively considerable contender when compared to many other options.
I imagine quite a few fans of these vehicles would be happy to get anything, but just as easily I imagine that a tree as relatively popular as Benelux would see much disappointment if relegated to another nation.

Still a difference though between testing and evaluating.

Just limit it to mostly tested and trialed vehicles.

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several different F/A 18 variants could live with that (like i said prefered helis) but they would replace tornado very good until actual eurofighter

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do you think Britain gonna get a new tank next update

I hate to say this but that would still mean that Britain could get the Ja39D since they do operate them

SAAF use the C and D


probably not, at least not top tier, I want an IFV but I’ve been wanting one of them for over 2 years now lol

A T-80 perhaps : D

i feel like there just gonna give a coubbled together chally3 with the tes era BN aps and 2E engine with just DM53

An Apache D is just free food for top tier SPAA. Now an F/A-18 with AGM-65D and a targeting pod? That is true CAS.

So ask yourself. Do you just want to be free RP or actually do CAS.

oh i very well know that the F/A 18 and plane cas is better, just aestheticaly and concept wise i prefer helis, even if the whole concept of assault helis might die out in the future . but that is just personal choice

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Possible clarification of ARHs coming to all nations provided in the MICA thread courtesy of DirectSupport


The "Silent Killer" Missile - MBDA MICA - Performance and Discussion Thread (WIP) - #193 by DirectSupport


well that is intresting, maybe the F4F ice wont be completly be DOA as expected (if it comes), besides that strictly speaking we already have ARH missles as well with the Phoenix dont we?

T80BVM2023 and T90M

What does that clarify tho? If most nations BVRAAMs get added in the same update there is no point to not adding a BVRAAM platform to those nations that dont have one yet