Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

you forgot to add the part where I said If the germans got a dutch F16 there was no way gaijin could deny the Cf18 or Aussie F18

my bad, akwardly quoted that one , did cut that one of to early

Wouldn’t be surprised, but it’s just a single example.

you done yet or are we still talking bout the Duitschers?

about other minor nations possible one is switzerland and a super hornet for germany, (while i prefer helis it would make the better CAS either way), problem with switzerland is that the french want to fight for switzerland as well

That’s another can of worms we’ve delved into several times, don’t think I need to state my opinion on that solution.

I would love to see a CF18 but I would rather just get a Eurofighter DA2 with limited armament until we can get the production model of the Eurofighter, it would also give italy the DA4

see, but thats the thing, benelux wants their own, switzerland is getting fought over with france, denmark seems likely to be part of the nordic countries and lets not start mentioning Poland as possible sub tree for germany. There literaly is no neighbour left. It would need to go further like Spain and thats arguably another stand alone tree

  • Tornado ECR
  • Alpha Jet only for France
  • Meteor FR MK 8 doesn’t exist, only F.8 or FR.9
  • F-15J and C Baz, but only A (Late) for US
  • No british jet
  • No AAM-4

Good joke


I still fail to see how trialed vehicles would fail to plug gaps where they pop up though.

Which very likely just isn’t going to happen.

what do you mean with trialed vehicles? we are talking used vehicles of other nations those arent trialed. If it would be trialed germany would have possibly a lot of aircraft fighters but i specialy arent naming those because i want to avoid trialed vehicles

funny how you consider spain a standalone tree when it suits you but not the benelux

Trialed vehicles should only be used if there is no real alternative imho

Well that’s much the case with Germany isn’t it?

which makes me sad because at least then britain wouldnt be cucked since I already know we wont get a hornet

i do not care if spain or benelux, spain for all i know doesnt make a standalone tree either, but doesnt change the fact that germany is closer with netherlands and more likely as a sub tree, but yes spain would fill the same gaps. but just doesnt have the same relations like germany has to netherlands

Trialed export vehicles such as the German trialed F-16s.
Sure, they aren’t exactly a pleasant sight but trialed vehicles are getting more common as time goes on.
Arguably less contentious than aircraft from nations that have no reason to share.

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ah now i understand how you meaned it, of course possible, but personal opinion is that smaller nations would be happy as well if their nation gets represented in any kind of form in the game as well and that that just makes the better options then trialed vehicles

sounds too realistic tho

especially the Alpha jet