Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Because God is Russian ;)

I also noticed another thing about this image is the cockpit is in a different style and it’s a single sitter.
Where most aircraft ether are two seaters or the glass is flush with the airframe not going straight down.



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Change Leopard 2E to Leopard 2 PSO-VT and Ariete C1 (Hitfact Mk.2) to Ariete C2. Rest is good

Its an F-14 cockpit with an F-14 in the background. Look at the ejection seat and shape of the airframe in the rear. akaik the F-15 ejection seat didn’t have the same kind of “handles” on top of it that the F-14 does. And the rudder doesn’t have the stuff on top like the F-15 but rather has a clean finish on top like the F-14. And the base of the airframe where the rudder meets the nacelle looks larger like an F-14 rather than an F-15s smaller pointer one. Thing kinda just looks wide as well.
Though strangely only one tail can be seen even though, unless it’s an F-111, both tails of an F-14 or F-15 should be visible.


Yea and looking at the engine block it does scream F-14 too.

But that doesn’t count for the cockpit glass shape as it looks like a single seater

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The front of the canopy in the foreground is the correct shape for an F-14, and Jeste- uh, the RIO sits far enough back that at this angle you couldn’t see him. Plus the picture isn’t terrible accurate, the perspective is a little off as well if you look at the ejection seat and the pilot. Plus the lack of a second tail on the rear aircraft.


That’s most likely because F-14 has loads of space between front and back seat. If you tried hard enough you could probably fit a 3rd guy in there.


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my dude
i could make an entire israel-sized tree with only cockerill vehicles if that’s the only thing you find unique.
please, and this is the last time i’ll say this, you do not know what you are talking about

It’s quite hard to say, the Seat matches the one on the F15 and F14(from what we can see of it), same situation for the bar. The aircraft on the side could be an F14 we just have to know exactly where the engine is.

we can gladly do that for a belgium stand alone tree, just leave the copy pasta dutch stuff out of it

Perhaps Gaijin is leaving it vague enough to entice both F-14 fans and F-15 fans as they could claim its either aircraft.


no we can’t do that, because belgium is a bit lacking in air and very lacking in naval. guess who has a strong navy and a decent amount of planes?
do you see why a benelux tree makes sense now?
but i’ll stop talking about that

Yeah that’s a possibility too. Altough what you pointed out is true, it could 100% be jest- an F14 RIO

I wouldn’t say that as last year gaijin had teased a fair bit in there last birthday with the Mig-29

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Aren’t there handles on the top of the ejection seat? Doesn’t the F-15 lack handles?

I mean we already have a PFP that has an F-15 i doubt that really means anything

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it is just that the Uk is demanding the Leopard 2 SG, singaporian variant because it is an old colony, france wants the Leoaprd 2A4 Ruag, because the upgrade is based on french technology, everyone and his mother is demanding the german vehicles or wants them as part of their tree it is getting worse then the USSR tanks, but when the germans say they want sth it oh no cant do that <.<

Yeah again it doesn’t mean much. We’re just trying to know what aircrafts are pictured in those pfps. @PestoMystic is right tho the F15 seat doesn’t have any handles so that’s an F14 RIO. We don’t know what aircraft is in the background still.

I would change 122S+(because im not quite sure what in the world that is) with the 122B+ and then we’re good

i don’t see anything wrong with adding colonies to fill some gaps, especially if said colonies don’t have any other way to be represented in game
but you see, belgium isn’t a french colony, nor is the netherlands a german one
i’m sure there are other ways for germany to fill their little gaps without resorting to entire subtrees