Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, dream on if you really think Russia will get 2 top tier/end-of-line mbts in the same patch. That never happend and btw. the german leo2 got confirmed while a russian mbt wasn’t. Stuff can be in the files for years

The XLR is equal to the 2A7+ as it carries largely the same upgrades.

SHARD and DM73 are pretty much the same round in terms of performance. Both carry similar electronics and have programmable ammunition. The only difference is that without a flat armor buff to the Leclerc closer to IRL values, the Leclerc needs the XLR upgrade more.


My bad. XLR will probably just be another side grade to the AZUR.

just saw the XLR pretty much is a baby still, modifications only started this year

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It’s definitely still new. It’s Frances way of waiting until a new MBT, or at least until the the 2040’s.

i mean all of these armor fixes would be irrelevant if they wont fix the exploding fuel

problem definitly is then, just to few will be known about the XLR, besides french secracy laws it will come out gimmed like the Puma because just to few is known about it. And we know how it stands for the MGCS project at least germany already is procuring the 2a8 as an inbetween and holds the possibility for 2ax as well

Just a quick question,

Can you walk around the hanger again ?

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That’s a shame I wish it stayed


There is actually a discussion on that funny you ask


Perhaps they added Sachsen because Germany has nothing between Bayern and Bismarck? Have you considered that? Of course France needed something more, but alas.

Perhaps Germany did NOT need a second Bayern-class ship, the best Battleship currently ingame followed by the also German Scharnhorst, while other nations don’t even have an actually competitive Battleship, not even the damn United States. Have you considered that?


guys, sorry i`m writing it here
is it right, that discounts which start 6 november are not applied, if you are paying using gaijin coins?

You never get discounts when using the market. Since it’s not from Gaijin, they’re just the market for person to person.

France is the only nation without a competitive ship though. Everyone else is fine. And three of these nations can get more powerful ships right now while the others can’t. So it makes sense for Germany, as well as Italy to get new battleships. Why France didn’t get one as well is incomprehensible, brand new tech tree with no mid or top tier additions two patches after its added? Very strange considering Gaijins immense love for copy-paste.


i`m about gaijin store
in gaijin store payments can be performed using gaijin coins, but its not clear, whether discounts are applied to it

We have a German and U.K ship now.

I actually don’t know know. I’d assume so, since the discount is applied before payment.

1 Dollar = 1 Gaijin Coin (Gaijin coins never go on sale for obvious reasons).

Discounts do apply to payments with gaijin coins.