Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Dude, the gaijin openly says that Sweden will be a tree that unites the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway). UK will be a branch of the commonwealth, but not with full participants.

According to this theory, the USSR is the countries that were part of the union, and the countries of the Warsaw Pact, which are not currently present in the game. And Germany itself is the German Confederation, which included countries such as Germany, Austria, part of the Netherlands and, unofficially, Switzerland and Denmark.

I think the conversation should have been completed on this topic a long time ago, since it is already clear where we are moving

I just don’t get the thinking of removing the SAAF line to add a British light tank line.
Where Germany can have Dutch vehicles in a 6th line.

Oh sure, just give germany the south korea, ukraine, pakistan, and mars subtree then

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i am not grabbing them randomly, i am just naming the most useful ones that are “urgently” needed. Of course every dutch vehicle would have a place. Thats just how sub trees work. The Hungary sub tree adiditon is the same, a lot copy paste of german russian stuff in mid tier/high tier, while the unique stuff is mostly low tier, just like dutch would be for germany

of course skins would be an option as well, the sadder option but viable, question is just always if their would be intresting ones

i would argue that germany doesnt do this besides currently the F 16 and apache since they are just obvious holes. Things like the KF41 does have a lot to do with germany

Don’t you mean the Commonwealths will be a part of the UK tree m8 lol.
I think you got it the wrong way round

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Leave this prerogative to Elon Musk :0

tbh no, the CVRT would be cool but the south african light vics are probably better, not to say that we cant still see the addition of the CVRT family

Thanks for taking a quote that’s taken out of context, lol

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apparently they count denmark to the nordic collagation at least that what i heard from everyone

The way I’ve read it, it sounded like the UK was going to be part of the Commonwealth tree lmao.

But then again I’ve lost interest in this thread now lol

this but unironically

I don’t think germany needs an F16 when you guys just got the Mig29-G, and last I checked germany up until the last update was the only nation in the game with fire and forget atgms on helicopters, so why you would ever need an Apache is beyond me


Dude i love the south african stuff

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I mean equipment from some of the countries of the commonwealth

Didn’t they deny the two commonwealth nations, Canada and Australia form have a full home in the UK, unlike the Nordic ones?

Ah right UK isn’t commonwealth.

So the same situation as with canada.
While you CAN build full ground and aviation tech trees for BeNeLux nations like Yugoslavia and combined Korea are still way better options for new “gaming nations”, as gaijin likes to call them

You can watch the recent stream, they said that they have revised this concept, and over time they will add some equipment from the commonwealth to the UK

i’m not sure of the reasoning behind this, i just cited a few vehicles

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You are grabbing vehicles randomly in the sense that Germany had no connection to them. Aka “yeah I’ll take these vehicles developed by this nation, these vehicles from this nation etc”.

Also known as nation mains going “moar moar moar”.

Only the sadder option for German mains, showing what this is truely only about.

Which is already too many. And I remember very little people asking for the KF41 to stay exclusive to Italy.

I was for the KF41 for Germany, against the 2A6/AHS/T 80 U/Mi-28A for Sweden etc and I will be against German mains doing the same.


It is mostly for the future, germany only has 2 vehicles left for air (3) if you wanna count F 35, but the Eurofighter is god knows how long away, that leaves the F4F Ice which will be dead on arrival. The airframe just is to old to compete with the new generation fighters and the F16 is fox 3 capable as well

funny thing but most german players would tell you they would love more reliable missles option like Hellfires, the problem with f&f missles is that 1 single bush makes the missle self destruct, they only are reliably useable on desert maps. The new italien and french helis have the choice to choose the best missles they want depending on the map, while the UHT is useless on 75% of the maps, that is not mentioning the lack of chin turret which makes CAS runs nearly impossible