Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

you got 4 lines? last I checked German was a 5 lined tree.

No, but Gaijin MADE it that they needed one. by making their ground tree 4 lines.
Remember there is no SA air tree due to the UK having 5 lines.


British can’t have SA but Germany can have the Dutch and other counties.

I can smell something here


in air it’s eh, not indigenous but not completely copy paste either
in ground its pretty good

it really depends on what you consider copy paste
for example i don’t see belgian leopards as copy paste since they use their own shells which would perform considerably better

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Well, what would those unique things be then?

never said that, both can easily be added if gajin decides to do so

we just want obvious gaps in the german tree filled, there is nothing wrong with that, every nation of players demands that, sadly those gaps cant be filled with german options so we need to search elsewhere and poland just makes better tree material then benelux

yes and thats why those trees should be helped out with adding them to bigger trees easy as that, every player would love to see representation of their own nation in war thunder, it just is that the sub tree way is the most viable option that makes it possible to make it happen soon. If you wanna make sub trees for unpopular options like Benelux you can wait another 5 years

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ngl as a british main you can have our vics if it means we get a slightly competitive top tier tank

what i am saying is since britain got one there is nothing stopping germany from getting one, the whole 5 lines filled can be easily worked around


can easily be worked around

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If that the case why haven’t we seen any SAAF stuff ?

seems like it mostly is some kind of flavour centurion

Because up until recently there wouldn’t have been any SAAF planes worth adding to the british tree

ask gajin not me, i am just saying the possibilities are there, you already got south african helis as well

different flavours of cockatrill turretts on light tanks, very very similar to the CV series

So if SAAF aircraft isn’t worth it the British tree then oh I know the Dutch isn’t worth it too


It’s not wrong to want gaps filled. It is wrong to just randomly grab vehicles from another nation that they have no argument for.

Nah adding them as skins or event vehicles is fine. This is again just German mains going “moar moar moar” camouflaged as helping these poor minor nations.

Also I never said I was waiting for the Benelux. Hell not even an hour or 2 ago I said Korea was more fit for a tech tree imo.

I’m just against nation mains, in this case German mains, claiming vehicles for their tree they have nothing to do with.


I wonder F-16AM MLU (USAF) like or differ from F-16AM MLU from USA Allies ?

simply the Atlas Chaeta would have been pretty good not that long ago now days it would kinda suck

im not gonna make a full list until the suggestion is released (and bc its off topic) but for example you have Fenneks with stingers or ATGMs, a few Piranhas in Belgian service, CV9035NL MLU, the Cobra 90 and a sh*t ton of Cockerill vehicles


I am not trying to discuss the possibility of any Dutch tree or sub-tree

Up until about rank 7 the SAAF wouldn’t have provided any plane that isn’t already in the british tech tree or couldn’t be added as a regular british (RAF/FAA) or australian plane