Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)


But yea true but I like nation that start from rank 1. Israel are missing a ton because they started at rank 4.

Where is my Italian Mustang ?


It depends on how one looks at tank development.
Yes, the base of the M-84 family is the T-72M, but ever since that first modification the Soviets and Russians have been largely shafted when it comes to the (post-) Yugoslavia modifying the designs.
The latest M-84AS2 has domestic ERA, munitions, new thermals, a different engine compared to the T-72M, domestic RWS with a domestic gun installed, there’s plenty of changes that make it a separate vehicle.

Despite that I would concede that the Koreas would have by definition better unique top tier tanks.
This is, of course, remedied by the Yugoslav tree being able to field very capable and modern IFVs, SPAAs and Tank Destroyers, but that is a whole different discussion.

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Any prospects for the 9.15 Fulcrum or Flanker this patch?

If r77 coming then probably

I guess it might be Flanker but not MiG-29 9-15

Do Belgium and the Netherlands have anything unique at all in the modern era?
I’ve seen their IFVs, but if that’s all then Yugoslavia or Korea most definitely are much better options for new tech trees

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yeah you hit the nail on the head pretty much, they opnly have the cockatrill turrets for light tanks and the “fenneks”, everything else is just german. reasons i strongly advocate to not implement this tree and rather add them as sub trees for germany and france

They dont have any real spaas either besides stinger missles

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so france and germany? works just as well for me

And the US for the F-16 and AH-64. Germany can gladly have the dutch Leopards of course

Don’t forget sweden, they got some fokkers too

cant add stuff they already have

Can’t add dutch vehicles to the German tree that they had nothing to do with.

Also can you point me to the F-16A MLU in the US tree?

well thats why making it a sub tree of germany just makes the most sense. dutch fits the best to germany since their ground forces already are merged as well. and dont come with germany doesnt need a sub tree, neither did britain but they still got one

And if british players are demanding the leo 2 SG, i can just as well request for the british vehicles the dutch own for the german tree

US has multiple F16s at that br already that have similar nearly the same performance, most US players would complain more for useless fillers and even then they can just add their own, no need to make that a dutch variant

not the dutch alone

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Have you lot ever thought that Germany doesn’t need a sub tree.

If Britain can’t have SAAF air line then Germany can’t have a sub tree.

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yeah uh no offense but last time i checked the south korean tree it had like 25 vehicles top

It only makes sense for German players going “moar moar moar”.

Sure dutch ground should be made into a sub tree for Germany. Air should be left out.

Same as with the SAAF.

Moving the goalpost I see. What happened to “you can’t add something they already have” huh?

It’s simple. Germans should deal with holes in their tree that they can’t fill themself the same way as players from countries too small to get their own tree. Invent a time machine, blame the government at the time or just shut up.

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britain doesnt need south africa ground line either, i would argue in the current state most uk players even want it gone and replaced with a british light line

I play ground mostly. So all the benelux is, is a couple of DAFs and copy and paste Centurions/Leopards at high tier.

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