Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

All they said was that new nations are a possibility tbh

There are a couple of nations and “alliances” that could bring more than enough unique stuff to the table, but right now it would be best to focus on the existing nations and add sub-trees where needed

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But this is gaijin were talking about tho… new nation means more dosh

I know one but it will restart the Leopard discussion for the 3rd time again. It was alright as it was in the Off topic thread but not in here : D

Only if said new nation actually delivers quality gameplay. Judging by the general lack of premiums I am fairly certain Israel is not really raking them in any considerable amounts of money


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The Swiss

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The air tree would be even more copy and paste than Israel.

Plenty of nations that still can be added tho some will disagree.

Tho there is one thing I don’t want right now another Isreal-style tree.

Actually, it would be slightly less copy paste, as the swiss have Pilatus, FFA and EKW building domestic planes

The only nation that on its own could be added with a full air, ground, and heli tree is Yugoslavia. It could also have a full coastal tree and half a blue water tree.


Sorry, but just because you don’t play Israel doesn’t mean that there weren’t others who were waiting for Israel to come to WT. So why would it be bad? Why don’t you care?

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Dutch says hi

United Korea is a good contender. And they bring a cool top tier tank that isn’t just a modified soviet design.

Just no I hate the idea of a United Korea

South Korea definitely deserves to be a seperate tree far more than the benelux, and I say this as a dutch person.

EDIT: and north korean designs are just too goofy not to add to the game.

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Israel isnt bad its just… gaijin seems to have given up doing anything unique for it… its just quite… boring


I’m an air player of all tiers and I rather see the Dutch with there unique fokker aircraft and from the Belgium’s too. Korea oh look P 51s, Yaks, migs, F-16s ect if people say China is bad then god Korea is worse

And what happens with the dutch tree after rank II, maybe rank III at most? Oh hey spitfires, P-51s, Hunters, F-5s, F-104s, F-16.


If it is true that progress is still a tree, but only because Gaijin has not continued implementing necessary vehicles in it.

Not what I said, simply providing a solution.