Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

And I never said they couldn’t.

Well all we know is

  1. Gripen C
  2. Some more Leo’s
  3. New top tier Jet for Britain
  4. It’s a quiet a big update
  5. BVR for all nation when it’s added

Am I missing anyone ?

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That’s all we know for sure, and while it is highly likely, ARH missiles haven’t been confirmed for this update.

Well giving all nations a BVR aircraft would be a big update lol

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I am well aware.

Was rank 8 ground confirmed for this year or was it in gen ?

Hinted at but not confirmed.

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Ok fair enough

Confirmed but no date.

Yeah but the list itself doesn’t specify what Su-27 it is, so your just assuming it’s an Early flanker instead of a later one. It’s possible they just didn’t know what model it is

I just assumed that you were making a blanket statement about all flankers when you said “Su-27 can’t use R-77” and the list just may not be specific about what flankers were getting.

The Su-27, as in the variant simply known as Su-27.

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It’s possible that’s what they mean, but it’s also possible that they were just putting Su-27 there as a general name, rather than a specific variant. Plus it would be strange too not get a Fox 3 flanker when other nations are getting dedicated Fox 3 platforms

Would also be a slap in the face for China too get the J-11B but Russia gets stuck with an old flanker

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I think the problem with any leak list we might see is that it’s so easy too make a convincing fake for this update because we already have a good idea about what to expect


If Great Britain is indeed getting a new top tier jet next major update, I think it will be Canadian CF-18 Hornet, or Australian F-18 Hornet.

South African Gripen just wouldn’t make sense, and Eurofighter has been denied for the time being.

Canada and Australia are commonwealth realms, meaning they share the same monarch as the UK and have close ties historically and culturally. I also doubt that this move would upset players from those countries.


All leak lists are BS until they contain at least some prototypes or gap fìller vehicles…the latest one is just too good to be true


I think the most realistic thing to expect in the update will be fox 3’s for all the nations and probable subs. But it being confirmed by Smin that it’s a big update…could mean we see things like F-15 ext ext but my guess on that is like 60/40 we won’t see them, though I would love to see the F15 and Su-27.

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Every other vehicle has the specific variant added. That’d be like saying just Leopard 2 rather than Leopard 2A6EX or something like that.

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As a Canadian, I’ll say this: Bar, an independent tree the UK is the best place to put our stuff. (and should be there)

oh the Dutch too. wouldn’t be a bad place.

So in summary the CF-18 would be fine in Britain tho I can’t speak for the Aussies.


Unless the vehicle has nothing to do with Britain, like with the Leopard C2A1. And why would Dutch vehicles go to Britain and not Germany?