Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

He said it wasn’t coming soon.

Even if they were going to add some hungarian aircraft, I highly doubt they would add the Gripen and MiG 29 at the same time

Well the naval portion is fake apart from the obvious Tirpitz, NC and PoW another even more damming thing is the Smolensk which simply doesn´t exist. There was no warship named Smolensk in russian or soviet service.

E: Of course excluding nuclear powered submarine

There was a cargo ship called Smolensk.

There’s one in WoWS lol

Well the Soviet navy is full of fakes and incomplete stuff at top tier

Yep a cargo ship without any armament, that is worth mentioning on leak list.

How about a 1901 auxiliary cruiser: Smolensk (1901)


Every single ship in the russian TT is at very least laid down and follows the plans to the T. That is miles eway from making up fantastical ships which didn´t get past napkin stage.

Well didn’t gaijin add two F-16 for the US in the AP update ?

I mean that huge strech, it is converted merchant so the surviability would be beyond poor, the armament wouldn´t be good and it would be slow. Maybe as event reward but other then that it really really doens´t make sence in WT.

Why model something like this when Gaijin has many options for different low tier gunboats or DDs.

They did, however the F-16A Block 10 and F-16A ADF have completely different loadouts

I just don’t see them add two additional fighters to the italian top tier at the moment

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Well tbh with the C they may not give the 9-12A it’s BVR missiles so it will be more of a support fighter.

Yeah, I only mentioned it because it’s a combat capable ship called “Smolensk”
If anything the wannabe leaker must have thought the Smolensk in WoWS is based on a real ship

Maybe, but then that will mean it becomes the normal procedure rather then being an outlier.
We at least have an idea on most vehicles.
Modern vehicles are a complete mystery besides what we see.

If Escargot or the players determine when it’s time to cross that barrier is to be seen.

I was just trying to explain why the US had two F-16s in that update there. The F-16A Block 10 and F-16A ADF were added at the same time because the Block 10 has CAS capabilities, but has no SARH missiles, while the ADF has only A2A armament.

While, outside of sim, I don’t see any real reason why they shouldn’t add both the Gripen and the MiG-29 to the hungarian subtree, it would end up overloading the italian tech tree a bit when compared to the other nations.
They would have four different fighter jets and two different strike jets at rank 8 and only two of them are related vehicles!

I know. But money is money.

I mean it’s a leak list. We ultimately have too assume it’s fake until proven true


Late Su-27’s can use the R-77 tho

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Don’t those Su-27s get the designated as Su-27SM tho? If the leak was accurate it would be a Flanker A or Flanker B, not a Flanker E (Su-27SM)