Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Aerial refueling would probably be like Re-arming on a cap in GRB so you just have to slow enough to sit in a designated area maybe

Perhaps. I was thinking just have the fuel drogues magnetic (so they dont need to be perfectly aligned and stay put easier) and pump fuel a lot quicker (shortening hte amount of time needed to remain hooked up) but shouldnt do weapons. should only be fuel

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I agree, just saying.

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Yeah I get that I didnt mean in an aggresive manner just hard for me to word properly, I just fee like if being “off topic” is such an issue there should be a “General Discussion” thread

Someone made one :P


Fair enough. Lmao

I highly doubt it will be the Gripen D for couple of reasons:

  • It’s easier to C&P JAS39C model from Sweden;
  • South Africa is a sub-tree of Britain;
  • British JAS39D exist in a single example while SAAF JAS39C is actually in service;
  • Just because SAAF used only IRIS-T irl doesn’t mean they can’t get AIM-120B and AIM-9L/M in game;

(RAAF F/A-18A or RCAF CF-18 are also an options for UK)


Seeing the A-Darter on it would be cool though

Why? CF-18 wouldn’t be anything beyond current F-16C

Same as DERBY and Python 4 on Barak II

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I was looking into the CF-18(CF-188) there were 3 modernization stages and with how the Snail dose things I could see them justifying them all as separate planes.

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Though where would it go? Britain has no SAAF sub tree, we only have SA sub tree in ground.

I still reckon the most likely addition will be the Sea Harrier FA2.

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Yeah that’s what I was thinking

I mean we have Argentinian TAM in German tt despite not having a ground sub-tree, we have CV9030FIN in non-fin research line in the Swedish tt, and you guys even got a Canadian ADATS out of nowhere as your top tier SPAA for UK.

I don’t see a single limitation as of why SAAF JAS39C wouldn’t be added after FGR.2 for example. It would be a gap filler after all.


4 CF-18s
The basic one (Almost a C&P of a US one. They got this night light thing and False canopy)
Phase I
Phase II
Oh boy. that’s a lot of Hornets.

Maybe, I still have reservations about just getting fillers like that though.

But either way, Im also expecting it will be like the German Mig-29, If Gripen C does come this December and they do decide to add a Gripen C to Britain… Then it will most likely be March, not December

I haven’t done my research on these but I’m pretty sure all of these upgrades were AMRAAM capable, right?

I don’t got the best source (Wikipedia) but it is what I have. but by the looks of it yes. If wanted I can pull a Snail and C&P the section as I don’t understand anything there.

Looking at it now. Basic one couldn’t use AIM-120.

Basic is just the F-18A and B but with the light thing and the first False canopys. So It would basically be a C&P of the US tree one.
The modernization program(and that after that) seems to be only Canada and should qualify under domestic modifications.