Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Those were the first two “leaks” we got
Perhaps @Deathmisser has found a way to prove that they are also fake ?

Which was an F/A-18D iirc seeing someone say. So only that one is technically on topic.

And seeing how the CF-18 isn’t an F/A-18D iirc.

With that there no way they are just gonna skip to F/a18D which why i don’t really believe that leak

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Yeah same here.

Wishing for a j10A in an early config ))

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do you guys think britain might get some form of 9.0 to 9.3 sam like almost every other nation in game?


Indian strella))))

I’ve seen people claiming the Tracked Rapier would be a perfect fit for that, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up for that to be added

the F-15C Baz is not only Baz is called Baz Meshupar, is an Upgraded F-15A.

Where is the R-73 modification?

And where the r60 on the top one


Stock R-73s, duh
(Not to mention that there are R-60Ms below the R-27R modification and no R-60s on the loadout screen)

Edit: Also, how would the Yak-141 fit 2 ERs/ETs under each wing?


Hey, at least you have some 7.0 x)


Japan has four actually, but judging by his question gaijin may have slept on the job when trying to make them each play or feel different

“four” enter in the “some” in my book ^^

I meant that more like japan has by far the most 7.0 ships anyways, you frenchies didnt get one for your tree at all, the brits and italians only have one each, then come the US and russia with two and germany with three
I have to admit tho, I can’t quite follow gaijins logic behind giving japan only dreadnoughts battleships and no battlecruiser

Tracked rapier would be super nice.


Sure hope soon…

this leak is %100 real