Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah that list is bad, only because of the simple fact that you are naming the tornado ECR, the ECR has less capabilities then the assta 1 in the game and brings nothing with it, we are are lacking HARMS in game, every tornado can use ECM pods, the ECR lacks bordcannons and the ASSTA 3.1 is a thing, giving ASSTA tornados all capabilities the ECR has as well. The ecr can not use guided bombs as well and would only make another gimmicky event plane.

Giving italy the 2A7HU , while germany gets sth worse is just a plain insult as well. If anything with rank 8 italy propably will get a better Ariete tsnk first since a few are still left


spoiler it please, also you sent it twice

also why does the speculation always lead to the US getting yet another top tier jet they dont need

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Gaijin shouldn’t add F-16I Sufa this year but unsure might consider F-15I Ra’am Early under F-16D Block 40 Barak or F-15A located after F-4E Kurnass 2000 in next month or Q3 2024

I hope dev consider Python 4 replacement AIM-9M & AIM-9P Sidewinder and AIM-7M Sparrow this year

It is 2 slighty different versions, dont bother questioning it, the list is as bad as it can be already

Hornet is an aircraft positioned differently from the Falcon, and they do not conflict. Just like RU can obtain yak141/mig29/su27, the United States can also obtain F-14/15/16/18 at the same time, which is a national characteristic. We have already seen 14/16, and it is reasonable to obtain 15/18 in the future

count how many viable top tier jets the US has and how many russia

and dont tell me “well uhm other countries need top tier jets first” because it always leads away from the topic

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The F-15E will not come in the next update, and probably won’t even come next year, so the F-15I is not possible.

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US has 5 and RU 3, thats still plenty and way more then other countries

You guess dev could add F-15E Strike Eagle 90’s & F-15I Ra’am Early 2024 or 2025 ? because ?

Early 2024 is my guess, with early variants of things like the Typhoon and Rafale coming late next year.

The list I sent is just a guess at the possibility. There are vehicles in reality, and there will be them in WT sooner or later. This is reality, and you don’t need to complain here about “why XXX country has so many things”. The answer is simple, there are in reality. There is a blank space after the F-4E, and there is also a blank space after the A-7E. The reality is that future updates will definitely add new planes, which is what players want, and Gaijin will also make them. You complain here that my guess list is meaningless

Isn’t the ADATS turret swiss?

To be fair your list has a lot uneducated holes

Any rumor that that will come this update or just a copium wishlist for the confirmed british fighter?

what did i say about other countries

, leads away from the topic, but still a matter of fact that other countries need planes first

You cant just look at US and RUS alone that aint how it works

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Another day another reply with volxar complaining about Russia apparently not being treated fairly.

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It’s true F-15E Strike Eagle (USAF) and F-15I Ra’am (IAF/IDF) airframe heavier Eurofighter Typhoon & Dassault Rafale but F-15E Strike Eagle in 90’s) (USAF) and F-15I Ra’am (e) not integrated stand-off Air-to-Ground munitions range 100km+, 5th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile and active-radar homing BVR Air-to-Air Missile range more 100km

That list is cursed. F-16A, F-16C, F-14A, F-14B, F-18A. Meanwhile the measly Su-24B, not even the M, which means it’s not going to slot in and replace the 27K at high tier, is all Russia gets?

I want a bomber, and Soviet vark is cool, but that list is doodoo. From the fleshing out I’ve done with @soviet_MoonMan and others, it’s clear an early Su-27 will not be Fox-3 capable. R-77 doesn’t come online until the SM/SMK model, and the R-27A/EA (Fox 3 R-27) only came into existence as a retrofit for the R-27 missiles based on a modified R-77 seeker head.

There is absoultely ZERO reason not to add the Su-27 into the game right now. High AoA, great thrust, still a huge fricken plane, it’s not going to out perform the SMT much as an early Flanker. Still gonna get out maneuvered in any dogfight with duration in the furball. In exchange, we get two meteorically hot AL-31F’s and a bunch of pylons for missiles, aka, USSR F-14, aka, Soviet Missile bus.

Edit: I just realized, this is your personal list, not a leak list. If you are adding what you think will happen, God bless, do what you want. Su-24 “Fencer B” (there is no Su-24B) really adds nothing to what the USSR already has. If we’re adding stuff for the sake of adding stuff, then I guess go ahead, but this would be super lame. Afaik, the prior leaks mentioned the Su-24M “Fencer D”. That would be a sufficient add, IMO.

Even then, a lot of people are going to be salty to see an F-18 in game, and only get an Su-24.

because US mains always whine about this and that but when they have the upperhand suddenly its balanced.

english people being the majority of the playerbase results in alot more whining from that side, since most of the english playerbase plays… well… the US and british

america absolutely didnt need an f16c, nor the f14b back then

last 3 updates had 3 US top tier vehicles(ill finish later brb)