Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, but several nations are going to be left behind again and they simply didnt need to be. Sea Harrier FA2 could have come last update as an early AMRAAM carrier. Given us at least 2 months of top tier, Like they did with the Gr7.

and still no excuse for the US getting 6 new vehicles this year and Britain only 1

Yeah, but Americans have been moaning about hte lack of Av-8B since the Gr7 was added a year ago. and thats only gotten worse with the italian addition

All this talk about ARH missiles, and here I am still waiting for Japan to get the AAM-3.


I wanna both of them XD,waiting for long time

and there lies in the Problem. Some nations are looking to get 10 times more additions than others. I know they have 10 times more addiitons to add. but no excuse for Britain to have onyl gotten a single new aircraft this year. When we have several options that have yet to be added. Even something relatively minor like a late Jaguar. Whilst the US is going to continue enjoying top tier for another year+ whilst we wait for the Typhoon, whatever we get next update might be all we get for 2024

we dont know yet what is going to happen soo, we don’t need to rush to conclusions yet.

We know how Gaijin treats Britain. It’s a given that it will once again be bent all the way over.

if the typhoon dont come this update is probably coming next year and much likely the first update of the year.

It was denied.

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Thats based upon History. Harrier Gr7 and Tornado Gr1 is all we got in 2022, Tornado F3 is all we got in 2023 so far.

Phantom FGR2 was our top tier aircraft from 2019 to end of 2022 when we got Gr7.

Tornado Gr1 is barely finished
Torando F3 still has placeholder components and is missing its accurate AAMs
Harrier Gr7 is STILL missing MAWS

And thats not taking into account that missiles like SRAAM and Red Tops have bene nearly unusable for over a year now. No fixes at all yet

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Its been denied. We’ve been told “not anytime soon” so the best guess is end of 2024, if we are lucky

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maybe this would change, thats why gaijin jump straight to 90s and 00s platforms right?

No, it will not. The only thing other than foreign jets that should be avoided if at all possible unless there is nothing indigenous that can make Britain competitive is the Typhoon.

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I want them to jump all nations forward. Just add Prototype typhoon equivalents to all nations, but the push back from that idea was extreme. People like being able to steam roll the minor nations I think

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i think yes is going to change just wait!! have some faith!

DA.1, 2, and 3 for Germany, Britain, and Italy please.

Yeah, even with some pretty extreme handicaps. like limiting the amount of AAMs, would be amazing. Id accept nearly any handicap, jsut to have something that can do something other than fly in perfectly straight lines

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I asked that before and Gzabi said most do and it’s not an indicator for wether something is about to come or not

After 4 years gaijin not add new fighter aircraft toptier under F-4M Phantom FGR.2, but Tornado F3 basic could get new guidance infrared Air-to-Air Missile with IRCCM this year ?

AV-8B Harrier II Plus from Marina Militare in italy tech tree never employ AIM-132 ASRAAM & AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM in Italian service

I guess gaijin might be ready add AIM-120C-5 with 13.0 BR for fighter aircraft toptier Q4 2024 or Q1 2025 and might consider ASRAAM Block I on fighter aircraft from UK & UK ally in 1 or 2 year

Sea Harrier FA.2 up to 12.7 BR if gaijin could add AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM in 2024 or 2025

Maybe. If it didnt impact BR too much. 11.7 sucks in SB for the F3. I’d hate to inflict that upon the RB players. But if they were being entirely historically accurate we’d have 2 Tornado F3s

the first would be Aim-9M and Skyflash ST and the Second would be ASRAAM and Aim-120C5. Though 0 chance of ASRAAM. So Tornado F3 CSP will probably have Aim-120Bs and Aim-9M (which would be entirely ahistorical, but not a lot you can do about that)

Yeah, it doesnt need such good missiles as Italy is probably getting another F-16 I think with Aim-9M and AMRAAM or Hungarian Gripen C

the issue, is that I think both PL-12 and R-77 are about Aim-120C5 level. Not too mention MICA. So it will be interesting to see how they balance them all out. Aim-120C5s might just be required for a handful of airframes regardless.

I reckon for ASRAAM. we might see something like it end of 2024 for the Tornado Gr4 (and equivalent missile on similar airframes)

Tornado Gr4 with 12-18 Brimstones is going to be a high BR so its going to need BR appropriate AAMs to survive. would be the same as giving R-73s to the Su-39.