Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I also doubt they’d add both ARH and AR missiles in a single update.

Yeah, would be a lot. Especially as im hoping for total CM overhaul to finally seperate flares and chaff and/or ECM as well

After ARH missiles, I’m expecting ECM and an expansion of IRCM to be the next big things for air.

I’d hope for ECM with ARH. Otherwise some aircraft like the Tornado IDS is going to be impossible in SB (unless they finally fix the EC brackets)

But yeah, IRCCM cat is out of the bag. Every nation will get AIm-9M / Aim-9Li / R-73 or Python 4 soon.

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mate sweden is even in a worst position 2+ years without a proper good platform, they just only give to sweden a copy paste viggen just with 9Ls and more CMs and this is not a solution atleast britain have a decent BVR platform and good CAS platform soo, dont get me wrong i agree that Britain needs more love but sweden mate is the bastard child like israel, israel just literally recived new planes thanks to USA because if its for gaijin they just skip israel like they skip sweden, britain, japan and germany, israel is still missing a real BVR platform and FOX-3 platform, they literally just invented the missile loadout that the F-16D Barak II which is kinda odd and not unique.

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In theory, this is the case, but Gaijin may have other considerations. It can be seen that TopTier’s German main power has strong combat effectiveness, and although the PSO is not satisfactory, it does not hinder German TT players from playing very well. Due to the large number of German main power players and the large number of German vehicles, the A7+may turn top-level rooms into fiery XD, So I think it’s not ruled out that Gaijin will provide German players with a modern, APS system with high performance, but not very strong protection MBT, in order to Balance? Just like we saw before. At the same time, I think what German TT needs more are new IFVs, LTs, and jets

Oh… right, like on the Su-39. Yeah. That would be good. MAWS as well. Gr7 is still missing MAWS despite the F-111 having it.

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MAWS on more vehicles would be nice, especially since there are a handful already in game that can get it.

Still pissed that they Assymetrically added that, especially as it was added to the nation that has gotten a new toy every single update this year so far

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Probably need to put AV-8B+ on there for the US as well. They’ll likely get that and Japan is going to need F-15 for ARH, so that too.

Expect the US to get 3 new top tier vehicles this update

I can’t wait for people to not turn off auto CMs so I can spam unguided rockets and watch them lose all their flares.

Hehe, Does that work? Figured it would be smarter than that

That’s how it works for the F-111A currently.

Interesting… Shall have to bare that in mind. Though far rarer occurance in SB I reckon. But does add value to rockets pods which feel worthless at the moment at top tier

Just glad the Gr7 has loads of CMs.

It can be turned off, however many players early on would likely forget about it.

Yeah, I’ll need to remmeber to set it to an easy binding on my HOTAS.

yes more nations are going to recive proper advance IRCCM missiles and this would help a lot to balance top tier same with the FOX-3s there is no point now to go back, the game needs to evolve, this would help the game to have more players interested in playing it, this would atract more players, etc at some point is good for the game to keep growing up because this would help the devs to improve the game more.

F/A-18C faster than Harrier ,and put it after A-7E :D

israel needs the F-15C Akef to have access to a FOX-3 carrier or the F-16I Sufa, soo both could come in december.