Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Not just the choice of a two seater, the fact that it’s also a D instead of a B makes it even less credible, as the swedish tree is getting its fill with the Gripen and I don’t see why the US tree would need to get the second generation Hornets immediately

If they actually keep that pace up they’ll just run into a fat wall. They need to work on other stuff instead of just pumping out newer and newer aircraft all the time

What is the speed of the second gen Hornets ? I’m wondering because the first gen I think is like 180 MPH slower than the Gripen C

Germany co-developed the TAM with Argentina, so it’s not the same.

Don’t know much about the Hornets. Wikipedia claims 1915 KM/H at 12km altitude

You never know. The F-16AJ devblog made it seem like the F-2 (the full fledged production version) was coming within a year so I do think we’re on an accelerated track to get air caught up to modern day.

Heck the F-16AJ proposal itself was made as a suggestion in the old forums and it got denied, but showed up in the game in a lil over a year (about 13 months).

I wouldn’t call the AJ situation similar tbh
Other than that, yeah, if gaijin stays this focussed on modern planes we probably are gonna see the Eurofighter before the end of the next year, even though that might end up being a rather bleak representation of its capabilities if they don’t start working on introducing new mechanics and improving existing ones soon

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It’s more that anything is possible. It seems we’re trying to get to the good stuff people want which is a win win for Gaijin and the players. I know the day we see an XF-2/F-2/F-15J/etc I’m GEing it just like the AJ and I’m sure plenty other would do so too.

And as with all things, I would not expect any vehicle added to the game to perform as it does IRL, especially the modern stuff. It’s a game after all, balance > realism.

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It’s not even that I am expecting the vehicles to perform the same as they do IRL, I am expecting to get some gosh darn ECM and better countermeasures if they throw IRCCM missiles and ARHs at me

I predict ARHs are gonna hit the dirt as per usual so no change in the meta, but something cool to play with and justify new aircraft in being added (same story with IRCCM missiles).

Once we have a good saturation from all nations in having their gen 4s/4.5s we’ll probably see shifts into other stuff (similar to radar and RWR reworks over time) and see things like ECM, maybe updated multipathing making S/ARHs deadlier and hopefully an RB EC.


The ARHs on their own would be completely fine with me, but the IRCCM missiles really had no business being added to F-16s and MiG-29s (at least not in this annoying 16v16 setting)

Why did they introduce the 9Ms to air battles anyways? I would have understood them adding R-73s without IRCCM to give the russian jets a better IR missiles, since the R-60s suck at top tier, but why was it necessary to introduce IRCCM?

Did the F-16s and MiG-29s really need IRCCM on their IR missiles? Because from the perspective of someone that only flies the Tornado F.3/Gr.1, Phantom FG.1 and occasionally the Lazur M the only thing those IRCCM missiles do is make the game way less enjoyable

There’s a few reasons for the current state but basically it boils down to what benefits Gaijin and the players. Players mostly want quick matches for grinding purposes and to have fun without much of the waiting in flying. Gaijin wants to create FOTM so people have a reason to grind other tech trees.

Regardless though, Gaijin has their own reasons and we can only speculate.

I hate it too. Though for different reasons. The F-16 and Mig-29 would have been fine with R-60s and Aim-9L. IRCCM missiles were not needed for either to be 12.3. But for those nations that dont have equal and have been denied our good options, we are left with low performance aircraft for Top tier.

Britain the Tornado F3 and Sea harrier FA2 and for Germany the F4F-ICE. Aim-9M/Aim-9Li could have been a way to give these airframes an advantage over the high performance airframes like the F-16 and Mig-29 (and probably near future airframes like the F-15 and Su-27)

Instead, that ship has sailed, meaning those aircraft will have no AAM advantage to help them. Resulting likely in a lower than Ideal BR. With Fox 3, that might cause issues in downtier preventing them from being at an appropriate BR.

TLDR: Sea Harrier FA2 with Aim-9M and Aim-120B vs F-16C with Aim-9L and Aim-120B might have been a fair fight at top tier

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Then that means Britains only Option will be F-18 or Gripen C next update.

Sea Harrier FA2 and Tornado F3 CSP wont get ASRAAM or Aim-120C5s, so both would be uncompetitive at top tier.

Typhoon has been denied and is unlikely for a long time

There is no other option, thats the only 3 options

(Germany is even worse, they literally can only get F4F-ICE until Typhoon)

We keep giving Gaijin other solutions and they keep getting rejected

  • Assymetrical IRCCM, well that ship sailed
  • Assymetrical Fox 3, according to dev post, all nations coming at the same time.
  • Prototype airframes like EAP or DA2. Denied
  • ASRAAM, denied
  • Aim-120C5s, extremely unlikely

The problem, is Gaijins current solution is to just forget about minor nations, and only add playable vehicles to the major ones. Britain hasnt had a new vehicle in 8 months, 9 by the time of the next update and it was only an 11.3. The current situation is not sustainable

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Assymetrical IRCCM not possible, Assymetrical FOX-3 totally impossible this thing would generate a damn chaos you are asking for chaos in the community?, typhoon protos impossible never properly armed, ASRAAM totally insane missile even better than the 9X Block 1 in my opinion, Aim-120C5 HELL NAH the B is more likely to come. the problem here is that the regular players thinks that you need a jet with the same performance that an F-16 or Mig-29 have to be competitive in some point is true but at the same time is not, because we are entering in a period of time that the armament in this case the missiles the radars, etc are the most important thing and not only the “Flight performance” to the people who thinks that a Sea Harrier FA2 or a Tornado F3 cannot be a menace armed with Aim-120s and 9Ms you are wrong, you cannot expect to use a SEA HARRIER FA2 OR A TORNADO F3 like an F-16 or a MIG-29 you need to use the jet where the jet performs best You must fulfill the role that the jet has and not the role that you want the jet to have because the only thing you will achieve is to finish in the hangar within 2 minutes of the game, you must be smart and astute when playing.

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As someone who has spent the last 8 MONTHS in an 11.3 vs 12.0 now 12.3 fight. I KNOW.

But it wasnt necessary to condemn Britain to another 6 months to a year+ of the same boring gameplay that we’ve had since BVRs were added to the FGR2 in 2020. Fly in a straight line, fire BVR. Try and run away. But that is absolutely no excuse for the chronic lack of any additions we’ve had in the past few years, nor the exceptionally poor state of each and every single one of those addiitons (Hell, Tornado is still using a placeholder flight model as they have yet to finish it)

and yes they were. EAP wasnt, but DA2 definetly was armed. though no reason Gaijin couldnt take creative license if they wanted to for EAP. Theyve done it several times before.

But the point is, Britain is facing another DOA year. It frustrating and stupid that they dont see any problem with this current situation

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My personal speculations, of course, there is another possibility for the British Air Force: the SAAF’s JAS39C. However, considering that the British Air Force tree does not have enough space to accommodate the subtrees of SAAF, and we have already obtained some Australian aircraft, I have included the F/A-18A. The upgraded Hornet can use AMRAAM In addition, there is another possibility that GAIJIN did not use active radar missiles as a heavyweight chip for this update, but rather Tier VIII for land warfare (all evidence suggests that the upcoming update may be dominated by new ground forces). At the same time, there is a high probability that we will receive a new national TT, and the capacity for air forces may be insufficient. Therefore, I have made two copies: D for reference only.


Asymmetrical weaponry is in no way impossible, and prototype/preproduction vehicles have in the past received weaponry that they didn’t mount. Also, the capabilities of a missile have nothing to do with opinion.

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Germany would get the 2A7+ if Italy got the 2A7HU.

I doubt Tornado ECR at the moment, no point without ARM, and I think they are still highly resistiant to adding those.