Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Isn’t the ADATS m113 basically entirely American? M113 hull, ADATS turret…


Cant argue with that, Gaijin likes to place stuff wherever they like. Good example is Hunter in German tree

I mean, ADATS came to fill the need for a top tier Anti Air, CF-18 can totally come to fill the need for a competitive top tier fighter.


For few updates at maximum, then Eurofighter comes and the need for CF is gone. People just need to be patient

I’ve been patient for over a year now…

For how long we already hit 5 years and the Typhoon is already another like 3 years.

Is this on topic now since there is a “leaked” F/A-18 model

I don’t think we’ll see the Eurofighter that early tbh


It is a possibility for the next update, so why not

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And for long poeple have waited for middle tier AA in ground for many nations, you can wait few updates longer. Or for how long Italian top tier was just F-104s

It will come way sooner than in 3 years xD

My bet would be 2-4th update next year

Bro, I wish I had your optimism

The way Smin words his Eurofighter and EAP denials makes it sound more like 2+ years


Has anyone confirmed it was legit?

X to doubt but let’s stay on the CF-18 - F/A-18.

I highly doubt that, the recent pace of aviation suggest next year is most probable

Not yet but good news is it’s not a WT L model

Not what?

War Thunder Live

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Just odd they chose a two seater

I mean it will be heavier ect so I gues that make sense in that form

Even though it’s like twice the size of the Gripen C. XD