Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

cough Iris-T cough

That would be extremely overpowered currently.

yeah propably, just saying indigenous german one would be nice, for the foreable future germany needs to get the AIM9L(I) to stay competitive (as far as that will be possible with the bad F4F ice) basicaly a aim 9m, it is a smoke motor, somewhere i did read newer version had a smokeless one as well, but i am not knowledgeable enough in that matter

The IRIS-T is multinational, not just German.

most well known user propably is germany

Yeah the copy paste will be real with the F-35s 🤣

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And was primarily designed and developed by Germany, despite being multinational.

I just got a PLAAF day decal, out of the blue a few minutes ago, don’t remember seeing any posts regarding that

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Interesting that they are making it golden eagles. Wounder if China might get a replacement pack premium…

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Taiwanese AH64 i guess.

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I seen someone point out the F18 leak was most likely a D variant meaning the UK wont be receiving it, so that leaves the Tornado CSP and Harrier FA2 for more “competitive” planes, which do you guys think would be better for britain atm

The SMT, which is an austerized complement to the 29M/35 ? I think you’re operating on an outdated understanding of TT progression.

The devblog which introduced the new foldering style makes mention of a maximum three required-to-research vehicles per vertical branch rule, which has generally been followed. On implementation we found that the vehicles which compose folders do not necessarily need to be direct developments of the proceeding, esp. when their BR 's are w/in a closer spread.

In relation to the future URSS-TT MiG-29 's, those rules will likely result in the SMT and K being foldered w/ other variants. The SMT could conceivably be foldered w/ the 9.13 later, depending on how( and if ) upgrades to it 's armament affect it 's BR distance to the earlier model(s) compared to versions which will come later. Again due to armament and performance similarities, the 29K, 29M 's, and 35 's might all be foldered also. In the end, a total of two folder steps overall, probably being as much( but not more than ) three while the line has not reached it 's completed state( two folders, and a temporary standalone end-of-line ).

I have reservations against the idea that the MiG-31 has such capabilities which would lead it to be placed at a similar level to the MiG-29 and derivatives, but even if it should be placed there it 's no reason to suspect it wouldn’t also be foldered w/ them - even in the same TT the La-15/La-200(Toriy) show that dissimilar vehicles will be grouped when at similar BR 's to one another.
The MiG-41 project is not planned to result in a vehicle for several years yet, and it will be longer than that before it could produce something which has a chance to appear ingame. There 's no reason to consider it as something for WT at all.

I guess gajin might consider 2 new MiG-29 at 12.7 BR located between MiG-29 (9-13) & MiG-29SMT (9-19) before MiG-29M and MiG-29KR (9-41)

The Mig-line would have Migs in the folders.
Naval line naval aircraft in folders.
And Sukhoi with Sukhoi.
29K would go after Yak-141 in order to not clutter a singular line.
And 29M, 35, etc would go in the Mig airforce line.

Mig-31 has Pheonix like ARHs which means 11.7 from that alone, and R-73s which means 12.3 from those alone, thus would be 12.3 - 12.7.

Where 's this coming from ? The Soviet TT doesn’t have one of these.
All their current carrier-capable fighters are in one line bc they come from the same manufacturer, which is no indicator that the later ones will be after them - it 's actually evidence against that since:

…there are more relevant branches for those to appear in, given the structure of this techtree.

Again, cluttered how ? Foldering the remaining MiG-29 variants to stay w/in the " max 3-required-researchable per Rank " is not some impossible challenge.

I don’t think the logic here is fully sound, since aircraft carrying those weapons in the MMranges described are not there solely as a result of them, or are not in those BR ranges. Even so, if the MiG-31 did appear at this predicted BR that 's still not a reason for it not to do so foldered w/ the MiG-29 's in the same range.

Why would China get the F-35? Lol

China has J-31 and J-35

Yes… which are indigenous to China, but he mentioned China getting the F-35 which makes no sense

Z-10ME? 👀 or maybe Z-10 prototype