Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

They might just slap it on the EJ Kai like they did last december when they gave it 9Ls while everyone else got F-16s lol.

Now don’t get my wrong, I’ll take an F-15J, but I’m just skeptical. Personally, I just want an XF-2A as I just want an AJ that has TWS and a drogue chute.

My dear friend.
Try to add the last samurais. The IJN ships that survived WWII.

Sakawa was already passed to development back in old forums.

Yukikaze of Kagero class and Hatsushimo of Hatsuharu class are also the ones that survived the longest.

There is also Ushio that protected Nagato and Hibiki. Not to mention final Akizuki class ships.

You would give incredible hommage to those ships, fans, modelers and you would be incredibly unique in terms of any game.

If it is neccessary I’ll make a dedicated topic in future. But I want you know good sir what could raise WT on even higher levels.


Its strange that the Kagero class is missing still. But we don’t really need to see any of the other destroyers, the classes are already represented and, really they aren’t that good. Some of the pre-missile SDF ships would be cool though.
Also most of the listed have been suggested already on old or new forums, with some passed to devs, not that it means anything.

Another kick in the balls for Japan, that would be.

It should have a different flight model unless they are super lazy

I’m hoping Gaijin adds an actual chinese SPAA, the TOR is not bad but its kinda trash compared to the Pantsir, VT1 launchers etc.
Can’t even counter helis launching at me cause my missile flies over theirs if it gets too close…

the tor literaly is better then the vt 1, currently it is the second best spaa in the game , you shoot them before they shoot you. Besides that actual chinese SPAA, the FK-2000 literaly is the chinese wish version of the Pantsir

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Nah, TOR is no longer the second best top tier SPAA. Tracker radar band was changed from K to J band; making it detectable by all (>10.7) RWR.

Without thermals and the annoying VCL it’s a shit SPAA for top tier; only the FlakRakRad is worse.

The missiles matter infinitely more than the radar.

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sooooo vt1 carrier

Only true VT-1 carrier in-game is the ItO, the Flakrakrad is just a frankenstein made by Gaijin.

Fla, not Flak, and that is irrelevant.

either way first gonna come italy, israel , to a lesser degree us and uk, japan has the radar missle options now, only then would germany propably get touched

Good missiles don’t make a dogshit platform good. Without thermals or the ability to quickly respond, the TOR is doomed to lose all the engagements vs. top tier jets (F-16C, Mirage 2K and maybe the Tornados).

Germany could get IRIS T as top tier SPAA in the future.

in the future yes, the boxer iris t is only going into development now, we only will get that one years in the future

Good missiles and working eyes make a decent platform good, however.

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The MAN truck has already been mounted with IRIS-Ts.

No where?
Cause India isn’t a sub-tree or tech-tree, so the Russian 29K would just exist after Yak-141.
There wouldn’t be a reason to add the Indian 29K cause it’s just a copy of the Russian one.
Su-30MKI however is the first ever thrust vectoring Sukhoi, and was funded by India.
