Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Gun pods only. Its the same gunpods on the FRS1 or like the Gunpods on the Gr7. But 30mm ADENS instead of the 25mm

the advance it way to quick, ground isnt keeping up, specialy better spaas are needed desperately

No cannons. They are removable. Replace with targeting pod on the normal ones and AMRAAM on Shar

And the game becomes unplayable for anyone who’s invested into anything but USA and RUS

It’s bad logic man

With 2 nations at only 11.3. can we at least give them a usable 12s before we start looking at giving the nations that just got 12.3s. 12.7s?

At the very least, you’re looking at 4 AIM-120Bs or 2x AIM-120 and 8 AIM-9Ms

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And why not for once giving more stuff an 4.5+ for other nation for changing and not always having the same 2 nation that enjoy leading the meta ?

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8x Aim-9Ms? I think you mean 4. I dont think they ever carried 8

But yes. My planned loadout is:

3x Aim-9M + 1x BOL rail on the wings
2x AMRAAM on the belly
(and because of SB)
5x MK13s for a base kill

If it was the 25mm ADENS I’d think about a gunpod, but I hate the 30mms

Fairly sure I saw someone on the British Machinery of War topic showing double twin mounts of AIM9Ms on each wing. Might be wrong tho, but either way - Even if we only get 4x AIM-9M + BOL rail each missile rail + 2 AMRAAMs, it’d be great

I dont know its possible, But im not sure. As for the BOL rails. They arent compatible with the twin mounts

So its either a twin mount for 2x Aim-9M or single mount with 1x Aim-9M and 1x BOL. So wont be quite as many CMs as the Gr7


wdym other nations?

by “not all nations will get arhs” they meant minor countries, not major ones

F-15 and Su-27 kept with SARH vs minor nations in aircraft like the F4F-ICE, Sea Harrier FA2, J8-F, etc with ARH might be balanced.

I remember @Gunjob (I think) showed off that you can install 1 BOL rail on each rail of a twin mount, essentially giving you 4 BOL rails lol

hm so we all agree germany is a minor nation past ww2

Cold war and modern era, France could even take it’s place.

The Mig-29 and Mig-29G keep them in the fight currently. But going forward they’ll have nothing other than the F4F-ICE until the Typhoon. (late Tornados are possible, but their reliance on things like IRIS-T might make them complicated additions) They are about to enter a very very long dry spell.



Im not sure, I had a covno about this with him over in the Sea Harrier thread and that was what he eluded to. That its one or the other.

I mean Germany was divided in to four occupation zones and spliced into two different countries.
So idk about you but I woudn’t call that a strong nation

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Ground is still pretty up there. Air still needs to catchup to modern day while ground is mostly at modern day.

I don’t know about you guys but, I’d rather just tough it out for a short period of time to get stuff like the EFT instead of arguing between Tornados/F-18s/Harriers/Gripens/etc. In an ideal world, yea US/RU would wait, but Gaijin needs money to stay in business so they’ll obviously give preferential treatment to them.

When you have gaps like this, where there’s nothing feasible to add till overall tech advances, it’s just better to leapfrog so you get your things sooner rather than drag it out for multiple updates.

As I touched on before, I’d give a good guess that there’s financial incentive to keep giving content to players who will keep paying for it.

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