Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Germany did receive two AMX-13-105’s.
We only got the SK because we pretty much revolted, so they gave us it but gave Germany only the DF-105.

To this day I still find it mind-boggling how Gaijin has gone out of its way and did everything to give the German tree French oscillating autoloaders, one of the things that can make the charm of playing this nation, but hey, when those big spoiled players who want always more, anything goes I guess.

Surely the German 7.3 was in high difficulty for giving them the only French oscillating 105mm of the game, and still keeping France without it’s own turret for years now.

(without talking about the joke than the DF105 was at the same BR as the AMX-13-90 for long time)


Which I’m grateful for as it gave birth to another Argentinean and an Austrian vehicle

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It shouldn’t have happened the way it it did.
Now it seems like they refuse to even touch the platform again.

Everyone is asking for f16s lol

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Because everyone and their mother has had one or tested it

I havent :(

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well they arent asking just for the f16, but the f15, f18 and even the su27

Damn it’s so sexy

To try to settle the Franco-German discussion, the positive thing about all this is that the Austrian SK-105 is in the regular TT.

Maybe tomorrow…we can see Austrian vehicles there.

Only 1k left to next part, nice

F-18 i can understand. Folks begging for the f15 for western euro countries is wild tho.

What happened to people wanting unique vehicles? smh my head

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The SH 37:

Since it 's the dedicated antiship variant, maybe it’ll appear close to when the air-launched Exocet we saw in the files is given to something ?

There 's also a later modernization of the type, AJSH 37, which adds additional AAM pylons and the ability to carry countermeasures. I don’t think the radar changed as part of that programme, so it might be possible this radar could be for that version too/instead.

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Theres barely any left tbf

When naval gets into the modern age lol


About this leak list from Olivia, HMS King George V would be way beyond anything we have in game. The thickest armour, the most guns tied with Japanese Dreadnoughts, and a broadside weight higher than Bismarck IIRC. At least for that ship, I highly doubt it comes to the game now.

A more reasonable expectation would in my opinion, the French Normandie, and Strasbourg and Dunkerque to bolster their top tier, along with things like Kronshtadt with its intended 38cm guns and Gneisenau with the same, Francesco Caracciolo for Italy.

The jump for the UK, US and Japan as of current is much to big, its either 16 inch guns, or 14 inch guns and armour designed to stop 16 inch guns, as of right now these ships would be pretty much untouchable as they also have exceptionally modern AA and torpedo defences (if you could even get within torpedo range).

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WW2, cold war, vietnam era?

The point of minor nation copy paste is to bring access to unique minor nations vehicles in regular trees.

Yes a polish tree will have spitfires and yaks, but theyll allow us to have pzl.11 and wilks.

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We’d need updates to focus on WW2 and Early/mid-Cold War for that.

Oliviia has never leaked the KGV.