Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

they hid them not removed if you had them you will still have them you cant just buy new ones

So whens the next dev season to start 2 weeks or maybe 1 and a half?

2 weeks

That would be the one, many thanks

In they reverted the change. Crisis averted?


HELL YES, no more end of line modifiers


Might come to late during my current research of the tornado assta modifications, i am steadily progressing their, but mig29g and tiger uht will love it, not even mentioning once i reach future ground stuff

because korea, while it has very good top tier ground, also has poor to very poor low tier ground, low tier air and high tier air


#OOT Bases in Air RB wont respawn even after all 4 of them destroyed in high BR.

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No. Should be either tomorrow or next week

No. Should be in 5 minutes or 4 hours.

Id assume tomorrow or next Tuesday - its not often we start dev blog season on a Thursday nowadays

Tomorrow I say it’s too early though if we are getting rank 8 ground and AMRAAMS for most if not all nations then I could see it next week as them two alone will be like a month worth of blogs. Plus they never release the update around/after the 22nd it always been before.

update will be drop before christmas, staffs also want enjoy long hoildays


Likely the week before christmas. People spend a lot of money around christmas so having the update out before that is beneficial for them I think.

I disagree on the lower Tiers of the GT and higher tiers of the AT, i do agree on the lower tiers of the AT though.

However as mentioned by others, it’s currently off-topic which you can express your opinion there though.

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Interesting this wasn’t even on the roadmap what parallel universe is this.😳

who said it has to be on the roadmap