Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

germany as well

Germany has a GE Battleship

good ol sms Nassau

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yes, but it isnt part of the new premium pack series for naval that gajin is doing, US already had a battleship before as well

I would of thought a Hungarian air sub too as they used Gripen C.

Sorry for out of topic but i need to ask
Do you know if there will be disscount for golden eagles this sale?

Off Topic Discussion not like we made a specific thread for off topic stuff. And no golden eagles themself never are on sale

didnot know sorry, thanks :)

@Smin1080p [RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Skill Bonuses in RP & Selectable Night Battles! - News - War Thunder

still no mention of the ability to take daily rewards from the app, when are we gonna get info on that?

no mention of the rp bonus for a country you have top tier in either nvm

As we mentioned in the article, many of these changes already coming (skill bonus etc) have a huge impact long and short term. We are monitoring the effects of each of those first and taking them in steps to make sure everything goes both to plan and doesn’t cause any issues.


okay but what about the daily rewards from app?

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Im pretty sure the new profile icon is an F-15 Cockpit, and the rudder we can see in the background also looks like an F-15 rudder. This doesn’t mean much but it’s still interesting.


The Japanese have new armour penetration values on the 30mm cannons - penetrating 45mm now.

Looks more like a F-111 rudder

Could be also, but if you zoom in, the overall shape of the aircraft seems more like an F15 to me.

We are still working on this part of the roadmap too.


You mean like this ?

It’s really to hard to see anything out of it


When will dev blogs start for next patch? ~ First week of december?

Yeah, you can see a straight shape on the right of the plane, it seems like a second rudder.

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i think (hope) before that

Everything is so fast paced towards the end of the year that I lose track lol