Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Aerial refueling would be fun, but god knows how they’d

A) make it easy enough for the majority of the playerbase

B) Prevent camping

But if we get the map sizes we need (especially in SB) then the ability to refuel without heading all the way back to base would be awesome. (If absolutely nothing else, i’d love to just have fuel probes animated and togglable)

AWACS too could be good, been a suggested mechanic in SB for a long time.

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Aerial refueling would probably be like Re-arming on a cap in GRB so you just have to slow enough to sit in a designated area maybe

Perhaps. I was thinking just have the fuel drogues magnetic (so they dont need to be perfectly aligned and stay put easier) and pump fuel a lot quicker (shortening hte amount of time needed to remain hooked up) but shouldnt do weapons. should only be fuel

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I agree, just saying.

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Yeah I get that I didnt mean in an aggresive manner just hard for me to word properly, I just fee like if being “off topic” is such an issue there should be a “General Discussion” thread

Someone made one :P


Fair enough. Lmao

I highly doubt it will be the Gripen D for couple of reasons:

  • It’s easier to C&P JAS39C model from Sweden;
  • South Africa is a sub-tree of Britain;
  • British JAS39D exist in a single example while SAAF JAS39C is actually in service;
  • Just because SAAF used only IRIS-T irl doesn’t mean they can’t get AIM-120B and AIM-9L/M in game;

(RAAF F/A-18A or RCAF CF-18 are also an options for UK)


Seeing the A-Darter on it would be cool though

Why? CF-18 wouldn’t be anything beyond current F-16C

Same as DERBY and Python 4 on Barak II

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I was looking into the CF-18(CF-188) there were 3 modernization stages and with how the Snail dose things I could see them justifying them all as separate planes.

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Though where would it go? Britain has no SAAF sub tree, we only have SA sub tree in ground.

I still reckon the most likely addition will be the Sea Harrier FA2.

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Yeah that’s what I was thinking

I mean we have Argentinian TAM in German tt despite not having a ground sub-tree, we have CV9030FIN in non-fin research line in the Swedish tt, and you guys even got a Canadian ADATS out of nowhere as your top tier SPAA for UK.

I don’t see a single limitation as of why SAAF JAS39C wouldn’t be added after FGR.2 for example. It would be a gap filler after all.


4 CF-18s
The basic one (Almost a C&P of a US one. They got this night light thing and False canopy)
Phase I
Phase II
Oh boy. that’s a lot of Hornets.

Maybe, I still have reservations about just getting fillers like that though.

But either way, Im also expecting it will be like the German Mig-29, If Gripen C does come this December and they do decide to add a Gripen C to Britain… Then it will most likely be March, not December

I haven’t done my research on these but I’m pretty sure all of these upgrades were AMRAAM capable, right?

I don’t got the best source (Wikipedia) but it is what I have. but by the looks of it yes. If wanted I can pull a Snail and C&P the section as I don’t understand anything there.

Looking at it now. Basic one couldn’t use AIM-120.