Hram túto hru od začiatku , je tu stále niečo nové, niečo sa ujalo a je to dobré. Ale toto Logo + menu ako pre hlupákov alebo Troj ročné deti ma naozaj veľmi hnevá , Preboha čo Vás to napadlo, hrajú to hlavne dospelí a zručný. To sa nedalo spraviť tak že ak by nejaký začiatočník to chcel použiť nech si to dá ale prečo mi ostatný stým musíme bojovať ?
Yes, honestly, why is this button periodically animating for no reason?
Also annoying is that whenever they add new buttons you can’t reload from a saved preset from before the update to blank any new buttonology additions. It just reimposes them again (because they’re null in the saved preset) every time. And they also don’t list those changes in any change log so you have to hunt them down each time, so far I’ve found three, LShift-A (the one everyone hates), LShift-Q and LShift-D.
That control only works in ground and naval, not air, at least not on PC.
The simplest fix they could do here would be to enable that button for air modes as well, tbh. Was sloppy that they didn’t here.
EDIT: Correction, it does work, in any mode… but apparently not if you only have one button on the bar. That’s the actual issue.
LShift WSADQ and B are even messing up with it…
So you can’t sit on the runway, running your engines up anymore with the brakes on… It’s just so dumb.
Everytime I check the scoreboard or map the button “refresh”. I’m gonna need therapy