New profile Player Card

to be honest i prefer the old profile card


A new vehicle is one thing, fundamentally dumbing down the matches / variety (lower match times, shrinking the maps, copying already trash maps and making them “Snow” and calling it new…) is a whole other story


Hot take: Gaijin is doing way less of this than people say they are.

I do agree that shriking the maps and all of these that you mentioned aren’t pleasant for us but honestly I don’t see much of a difference. I’m not a type of player that holds W the entire match nor flanker. Everytime there was a map change (not counting the last one where they removed the bridges) it was almost always about removing spots where people could spawncamp or be in a spot where they are unbeatable in.

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Maybe it has a DEI department and absorbs extreme LGBTQ+ people lol.


What exactly is the point you are making

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I like how there is not one good qol feature in this entire update that was focused on qol


Bring back the old one!!!
Literally why should I bother playing when my medals, k\d, winrate isnt shown, and I have no way to check my progress on getting better at the game???


This isnt the only problem with the update lol, graphics look horrendous now too because of a bug with sharpness and the game overall is genuinely getting worse. I would rather play with 2022 sl gains then whatever this mobile game garbage ui and graphics are.


The graphics are objectively better, and the only UI update was the profile.

You know, I don’t entirely hate the new player card if this is just an early, WIP concept.

Right now it’s just ‘favourite mode’ in the center, with two gigantic blank borders either side.

Maybe if on the left they put your medals + owned & spades section back.

Maybe on the right if they put some sort of way to showcase favourite vehicles or something ?

I really hope the rumours I heard some CC’s say, that they were planning to make additional showcase options cost GE turns out to be false. That’d be ridiculous.

Game looked much better in 2022

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Idk the only problem is that people’s monthly stats are tucked away in a corner and much harder to see. It also just looks completely wrong, doesnt fit in at all with any of the games other ui

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Yeah that’s fair. I’ve never really been one to care about myn or others stats so that doesn’t really bother me, but I can see how it could be annoying for those who do.

I dont know what goes through these devs heads, like yeah lets change something that has been completely fine for 8+ years because we feel like it. They dont listen at all to actual problems and would rather just mess with stuff that is fine. Instead of spending time on fixing ground’s abysmal maps they would rather make the game look like something meant to run on an ipad


In their defence, war thunder UI is starting to show its age, and it isn’t exactly a stellar UI either.

They should’ve waited to introduce the new profiles, because it doesn’t seem complete in the slightest.


Yeah, the format does look very… ‘mobiley’ lol.

Even just those gigantic side borders look like they were meant for viewing on a phones aspect ratio.

Looks super silly on a widescreen.

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The ui is completely fine and should not be changed just because it “looks old” if it works and nobody complains then it should not be changed


I’m willing to give them time and benefit of the doubt to fill in these huge empty spaces with the useful & cool stuff we actually care about.

All I really care about is the medals coming back front and centre.


They should just give an option to toggle old playercard ui back on