All my upvotes, and then some.
And I cant flex my medals :C
(i mean I can but its not imidietly in the face and people have to click different pages)
Honestly yes. I dislike the new profile record quite a bit, I want to see the competitive stats and all the info and numbers associated with playing each match up front. I am a numbers guy and I prefer to not have to dig for each thing in a different page.
This issue is no longer a problem for me. Goodbye.
Yes, we need a page like this to showcase our achievements.
Thanks to the WT members who provided some mock ups as to what an improved player profile should look like. Well done!
This just in, the new player profile still looks like a really really really bad mistake.
This discussion, though started 9days ago, has top 5 views and replies. We all really care about it.
So, again, FIX IT GAIJIN!
Where did they post it? I want to see it too. At least they took action
Up above in this thread
None of us likes the new pdf. We prefer the old. However knowing Gaijin, They’re not going to bring it back.
history repeats itself, the exact same thing happened with the statcards for planes going from the pictures to the renders
Hell yeah!! Check out Doc Holliday vs Johnny Ringo, thats very smooth bro, Nice!
I love that! Dude thats so good, You will have to watch Doc Holliday vs Johnny Ringo on YouTube, Clint Eastwood used to pound it to them didnt he? WELLL DONE !!! I liked the story of Doc Holliday and how he had a friend at the end of the movie. Thank you for that, that was fire dude.
Thats how I approach these planes in game
Making the picture for each vehicle uniform didn’t detract from the game visually it was just a style change.
This isn’t simply a style change, information has been completely removed that would normally be displayed readily. As shown by other users in this thread you can still fit the information in the huge dead space produced on either side of the new "player card’.
Thats fire Bro hell yeah, I dont have the time to do it, check out Doc Holliday vs Johnny Ringo, dude, thats one of the best things Ive seen on this Forum, Thank You
I cant either and I have 13000 air realistic airkills, I have probs flexing mine too lol
Is there anywhere we can still see our vehicles per nation and elite vehicles? As it stands now, I think I will have to go to each individual nation’s development tree and physically count each one to see how many I have and then I have to recount while physically tabbing modifications so I can see which are fully spaded. That opens up to so many errors and I have over 1300 craft. All that time spent counting could be time spent playing. If there’s another way to find this data, please inform me because I can’t find it since the update.