Y’know. Before this profile thing, I was actually hoping WT would move in the opposite direction.
Change the bottom-right statistics for last month to also include a drop-down for nation. Like, “Air sim Japan” “Air sim U.S” “Ground RB britain” “ground RB russia.” Maybe a third drop down to restrict to specific rank! Late war U.S props in air sim stats, early vietnam/late korean u.s jets air sim stats and so on.
Give people the ability to see how they do with a specific nation without having to average it across their vehicles in the service tab manually.
I blame prominent youtubers for this. Tim’s Variety said in one of his videos that he lobbied hard to have extra information removed that gave players the ability to determine the skills of the opposition removed. This is the result.
And that fat boi TEC was cheering on changes to the profile page until reality hit.
The statistics pertaining to rank per battle relative to other players, number of bots killed or real players are gone among others. I searched the available menu items and all are inaccessible from the profile page of other players.
I enjoyed looking at these at gave insight in other ways Tim thought we were using it for. Like who just killed me :)
Yes, but the old layout was far more enjoyable to just look at and be proud of your accomplishments while, the new one not only doesn’t show how many vehicles you have but is also just not fun to look at. I especially liked to look at the number of vehicles, medals and the KD’s and it was right on the front page, not hidden in some stupid folders or removed entirely for no reason.
I would like to point out that the new controls and option pages are now really really really horrible as well! In order to scroll, I need to move the mouse to the right side of the 27" screen, then to select a different page, I need to travel to the left side of the screen. Then again to the right. That is crazy.
Personally I don’t think it’s worth your time waiting. Nothing will happen. I almost never seen an “upgrade” like this taken back by Gaijin. It’s snail’s style… make an “improvement” based on their “player’s demands” statistics and they forget about it. You are free to be against it, but that’s all.
The old one was perfect, you could see your medals, spaded vehicles, amount of vehicles owned, and all the stats very quickly. This one straight up excludes some info and the rest is all scattered around. REVERT!!! Or give us an option to roll back to the old profile style.
It just occurred to me that many of the “new” players they are trying to attract, didnt like the old Player Profile, because they dont have anything to put on it. That popped into my head when you mentioned “Mobile”
This is the first time I’ve logged into the forums in the many years I’ve played just to talk about this.
There is no meaningful data displayed on the player card anymore. What does any of it mean without any comparison to other players? What does my 3.8 million total score even mean? It might as well be a 0
Also win ratio wasn’t really useful but team ranking by month was the best gauge of general player ability and it’s nowhere to be found.
Please fix the player card and provide data that is useful to the players. Showing medals is cool and all but I want to see how I compare to others overall and from some period of time.