Many mouse-joy users seem to disagree. There’s many impressive mouse-joy videos out there. And if one wanted, they could slowly build on equipment to make even mouse-joy better. Like getting a headtracker for example. Next step would be getting a joytstick or HOTAS. If one can’t afford a HOTAS, they could use the keyboard as in place of the throttle. Then eventually upgrade to pedals down the road. There’s steps to the process.
Sim users of all types will always have disparities in equipment. You can’t occupy yourself worrying about what controls other people are using if you want to have fun in Sim. I started with a very simple setup. Didn’t even have rudder pedals my first two years. I didn’t let the drive me away. Over the years my setup has improved, but it didn’t start that way.
Sim isn’t perfect, and it needs a lot of love, but IMO it’s tons more rewarding than the RB cluster f*ck meta. The more people that play it, the more potential it has for the devs to focus their efforts on Sim.
And if you ask me, jets have a much less learning curve than prop driven aircraft. They’re much easier to fly, you don’t have to worry about MEC, you don’t have to trim, you have radar to find and identify targets, and you have point and click missiles.
i just want Air RB to feel like it did years ago. I remember having very enjoyable matches when team size was smaller. Air RB has to go back to its roots. There is no skill expression or personal satisfaction anymore, I’m sure Sim has it, but Air RB should too.
F-15As are way better than players are giving credit for. Whether this is because the dominance of F-16s made American mains lose all their sense of tactical flying, or people just had too high expectations due to its 104:0 record, I don’t know. But it’s going to be one of the best aircraft and certainly a step up from current 12.3s.
They would benefit from AIM-7P or Python 4 for sure, but the amount of copium I have seen saying that they’re worse than an F-16 or F-14 is crazy. There’s even people claiming it should be 11.7!
Protesting over something so dumb is going to ruin any chance of Gaijin continuing to take the community seriously.
Yeah i’m all for disabling player markers in Air RB, it would improve gameplay so much. The only place where I get to experience enjoyable air combat is in Ground RB, where there’s no markers for planes and enough space to engage in BVR and dogfights (and on top of that I get to protect ground players from CAS).
Mirage 4000 is looking to be the most powerful jet of the patch for air RB.
Gripen & Su-27 will be great turnfighters with a lot of presence, Gripen inching out the survivability with BOL pods.
F-15 will be the air superiority fighter that blasts energy constantly.
8 IRCCM missiles in the IR missile meta, best overall dogfighter of the patch, fastest accelerating, and that’s before the engine improvements, countermeasures improvements, and anything else pending in bug reports.