That sounds like unintended consequences of their dumb changes. I can’t imagine they actually want that kind of accuracy from bots. What’s the point of even playing arcade at that point?
so we all assume that they don’t play there own game - even the changes in targetting time last year had a massive impact on coastal gameplay - they are much quicker to choose as target…
There is no way they could be playing and making these changes. Just those quicker targeting changes you speak of made ships with good FCS totally irrelevant. I just don’t get it. How can you develop a game you don’t play or understand?
Yes, but not all the players this is aimed at can read.
So with the update being pushed tomorrow, are we all assuming they’re just forcing this new arcade aiming system down our throats?
Correct, as well as the new damage system.
I will try the new “systems” but I am afraid our worst nightmares come true.
If wt wants to get naval arcade a WoWs clone players will stay at the original…
maybe it’s time to say RIP to naval AB
its still very sad there was no response from the devs or any other GJ staff to our complaints… only looking at the active discussion about “turret baskets” for tanks which is a thing only affecting a small number of vehicles and no basic mechanic of gameplay. in that topic there is a lot of feedback from GJ staff - but here…???
Maybe it is time for me to switch naval Arcade to realistic I guess .
yes - but there are still a lot of issues which should be improved - e.g. a reload option for torpedo boats outside caps. Even in ground RB they created these ammo boxes - in naval Rb there should be a reload point near the coastal spawn. the torpedo speed is lower as in arcade - but its impossible to sneak near a bluewater due to the ai secondaries and AA which start to shoot even if the player hasn’t noticed the approach. Then mark the logged target on the map and the very near targets - w/o this artillery is impossible to aim.
For blueweater fleet RB is not so much different as arcade - but I preferred coastal-arcade as it (was) the funnier and faster mode.
By and large there is no actual feedback or response from the devs or mods to naval changes, ever. This is the standard. It’s infuriating, but alas, it is how things go. I, for one, am just no longer going to play naval until this is fixed.
That’s really what it feels like, that the team at Gaijin just do not play or understand anything about Naval. It’s how we get every battleship devblog talking about “great firepower and protection,” it’s how we get nonsensical game mode design that encourages players to sit still behind cover for the entire game, and it’s how we get aiming changes like this that no one asked for.
I tried coastal in naval arcade and it was absolute chaos. Autocannon rounds flying everywhere and getting sniped at ease at longer ranges even by bots. Maneuvering means practically nothing when you get gunned down by a high DPM cannon that doesn’t have to aim. If you thought the changes were bad enough for bluewater, it’s even crazier in coastal where there’s a lot of high DPM and unarmored boats.
Don’t forget this change:
Which basically means that there is no way to defend yourself when you use a boat. This was the only mechanics that allowed you to stay alive and only against players who didn’t know how to play correctly (destroy all your sections instead of shooting the same one).
At least now I will have more time, as I’m not going to play Naval game mode at all, especially with that mindless aiming change. I have a lot of games on my “to play” list, this is a really good time to play some of them.
I still enjoy Ground Arcade, but who knows. Maybe some day they will add automatic aiming there too. You just point enemy MG port with your mouse, click the left mouse button and BAH, the enemy is dead (it doesn’t matter if he moves or not).
Maybe they just want to fight bots by simplifying the gameplay so much that you won’t be able to tell the difference between bots and players anyway. So botting won’t matter anymore, technically every player will be a bot (you do the exact same thing over and over, battle after battle, just keep pressing that left mouse button).
The new arcade aiming system is complete garbage. It’s impossible to know where your shells are going to land. If the target is standing still or going in a straight line at the same speed, everything is great. If not, you cannot in any way compensate for changes in course and speed that you see them making. You can’t aim ahead, behind, etc. as you have no fucking idea where your shells will actually end up.
Ironically, this makes it HARDER to aim and not easier as was the alleged intention. If you had any idea how to actually play the game or had any skill in aiming, you will now be punished.
I’m done with naval, and hope they enjoyed screwing over the few players that actually enjoyed and supported the mode. Nothing like 12 years and a few thousand dollars down the toilet.
Well, at least the new Naval Arcade gameplay will be easy to explain in the next dev Q&A:
Q: How to play the new Naval Arcade?
A: Just press the left mouse button!Q: But how to aim accurately?
A: Just press the left mouse button!Q: My shells are flying all over the place. How to correct this?
A: Just press the left mouse button a little longer!Q: An enemy is shooting at me. How to defend?
A: Just press the left mouse button!Q: What if I die because enemies also press the left mouse button?
A: Respawn and just press the left mouse button!Q: My left mouse button is broken. What can I do now?
A: Buy a new mouse and just press the left mouse button!Q: Can I play Naval Arcade with a friend?
A: Of course. But remember that both of you must press the left mouse button!Q: What if I forget to press the left mouse button?
A: Don’t worry, we are trying to find ways to simplify this system!
Fkn Hilarious and true.
But also tragic.
You did nail it though,
and since it’s obviously no longer aiming in the traditional sense of the word. They will have to change it to something else though it’s simply selecting now.
Aiming you say?
No, no aiming in our vehicular combat game.
You just select over and over and then select something else after,
how fun,
how engaging and thrilling is the gameplay now gaijin?
Maybe they will make it a turn based game next?
i agree, the previous system is better. and it actually take small time to adjust. i personally prefer AB since it have little difference than RB and much faster gameplay. Since the new update Boat are useless in AB, they get obliterate very quick since the enemy Ai gun is 90% accurate even from 8km away. People start shooting anything even from 5-9km away with all their arsenal just like brain dead bot. I bet even the new player not gonna enjoy this especially with their 1.0 or reserve boat. previous update you can kill 5.0 cruiser with it but now you cant since you gonna die when you spawn and get shot 8km by DD AA.
Just revert the new update, the hull damage is system is fine but the new aiming is so bad.
Extra: I got shot consistently by USSR Destroyer 8km away while using Koln(Frigate) and its 100% accurate hit
Listen here u new comer to Naval:
If u happy u can hit enemy easly that mean i can use my braindead ships to hit ur new 1.0 boat from far away and will get no chance to grind it except in RB that take 30 minutes battle time.
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