Never seen this one before. disappearing player?

had a mission today and i thought something was a little abnormal with one of the red players. His on screen identifier was constantly disappearing even though he was much closer to me than many other players that weren’t disappearing. So after the mission i went into the player rankings after the mission and he wasn’t listed! He had many kills during the mission, me included but there was no record of him in the mission other than on the replay. Is this a bug or something, shall i say, unsavory on the part of this player? His name was in an asian script so i can’t report him. And because he doesn’t appear on the player stats i can’t report him there either. Any ideas? Anyone else wave this happen? A bot maybe?

Check the server replay.

Player replay can act weird (it shows what you see). Watch him in server replay.

his playing wasn’t really what i was asking about, but the lack of him on the player achievement list after the mission. What could cause that? I know there are many things while actually in a mission that can cause a players “marker” to come and go, but how did he disappear from the list after the mission?

you can’t count maybe?

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mmmmm could be. But since i was looking for names i don’t think so.

If they’re close to you, but no-one else, but the others further off are closer to others, then that can be the keen vision skill with the radio operator skill relaying.

The player stats not being listed shouldn’t be happening as even with the player name hiding feature it’s a wordwordnumber format (Or something), not asian script. No idea on that front.