Nerf scouting

I get that this system was taken in place to make light tanks which were barely used more usable.

But in a way it currently breaks the game at some BRs.

  1. When you scout a vehicle it literally tells you what tank and how far away it is. This gives you a completely unnecessary advantage especially at lower BRs. (Same with the laserrangefinder that magically tells you if there is a tank…).

  2. You should only be able to scout when the vehicle is in the line of sight. It’s so dumb how you can snack some rewards just from aiming at the direction where the enemy is without him being able to engage with you.

  3. We should also talk about which tanks get it. In my opinion it should only be support tanks and not literal MBTs like the TAM. Now the TAM is just a Leopard a1a1 with scouting capabilities and was literally built as an MBT by the Argentinians. Maybe it would be worth introducing a new tank type of reconnaissance tanks.

  4. I think it would only be fair if you got a warning for being scouted because then at least you know all the enemy team will be after you. I mean we already get warnings when an artillery strike is called on us, so why not for scouting?

I don’t think all of these things need to be implemented simultaneously. Introducing 2 or 3 of these should already be enough to stop realistic battles increasingly approaching arcade.

I often see people bringing up scouting not always working as a counter argument so something I want to make clear already is that this post is not about discussing bugs.


I give a -1


+1 for that one, like a laser warning?

  1. Not really, your MK.1 eyeballs tell you that

  2. If you know it’s there, even if you don’t have DLOS, does it matter that you can’t see it? You have spotted it regardless.

  3. TAM is a joke

  4. I agree to an extent, but you generally have a pretty good idea if you’ve been scouted via situational awareness.

Edit: mobile formatting sucks.


your “MK.1 eyeballs” do not see the exact range instantly. Also when an enemy is behind cover you cannot see what tank it is as well

I think it would be a nice way to nerf scouting by haveing to have DLOS

That’s your opinion but that doesn’t change the fact that it is a Leopard a1a1 at a lower BR with scouting and a drone.
Also this is not about only the TAM, there is other vehicles that shouldn’t have it as well.

Ofc you can balance it out via situational awareness but it would be more consistent and -again- less of a gamble to just get a warning.

The April Fool’s jokes were also once more creative and not so belated

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Yeah but it could also be an icon at the bottom left for example

WOT has something like that except the Icon appears above your tank

They probably had their reason for that

well everyone was talking about a warning for being scouted so I just offered a solution

Scouting needs buffed rewards and a chunk of light vehicles brought up in BR.

1- Scouting doesn’t tell you how far away tanks are.
@Schindibee Would intentionally using the lack of building stopping the ability to scout be classed as an exploit of a bug?
Or is that act just seen as a “necessary evil” due to the limitations of War Thunder at this time?

3- TAM is a light tank, and by definition a support vehicle.
4- Maybe? IDK about this one.

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Go play world of tanks, they have that there. Having a warning because someone saw you is a bit silly

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The crew member shouting out the tank and range isnt just limited to scouting, if you hit the rangefinder button while moused over an enemy tank the commander will shout out the same thing even if you arent in a light tank. It also takes a similar amount of time for the commander to actually say the range as it does for the rangefinder to finish.

It also only tells you what tank it is for certain, common tanks. Most of them if just says “tank”.

I dont think having direct line of sight is relevant. If you know its there, it doesnt matter if you cant phyiscally see it. Thats a perfectly realistic thing to have.

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  1. You get a Arty warning because there are some Flares droped from Arty as a range in
    2. Dont forget that Warthunder is still a Simulator Game
  2. The Tam is a more like a support Vehicle. It is based on a german Marder Tank just with a bigger gun

I agree that hearing a noise from behind a building then scouting that area and getting the scout bonus is a little cheeky but it’s a trick I use so I am in no hurry to see it gone.

I find at lower tier there is not that much that can actually scout and those vehicles that do were actually used for scouting in reality.
Scouting can be fun for the occasional BP task but you gain little from doing it if you are not getting kills as well.

The only tanks that can’t scout and should be able to are the Premium German which are command tank variants such as the Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P

I did see a new style of scouting at 7.7 BR for Israel which is as high as I go were the enemy was shouted out and marked in red,is this a high tier thing? I actually found it quite irritating.

Other than that I don’t find scouting to be much of an issue but then I dont venture past 8BR very often.

I found it can be decently rewarding in the right circumstances. That is, some small tank hiding somewhere obnoxious and relaying all the enemy tanks as they drive into the point to cap. You can rack up over 12 assists in a single match, and that gives some pretty decent RP!

As for OP, I don’t support. We need more mechanics to encourage players to co-operate and work together, not less.


The direct line of sight thing is way too complex for their programming I guess, remember how bad was the scouting where you would constantly get “nope” even when you tryna scout a headless chicken driving in an open. I hope we don’t return to that state because it was broken for years before they fixed it lol

Thing is, you know it’s there, so therefore, you’re scouting it.

You’re not just able to just blindly scout through the terrain and things, you have to know that it’s there to be able to reliably scout that.

Because the artillery is being called in, has sighters being used, and is way different to the spotting of a vehicle and reporting it relative to the team.

Often it’s not that it’s actually not working, it’s just the people are commonly frantically trying to spot someone, miss, and keep trying to get the same one so they keep failing, making them mad, and irrational to the point where it’s claimed to be a bug.

I wasn’t aware you got assists for scouting.

I disagree with the OP all round. Scouting is fine as it is.

It would be nice if we could scout indirect fire from our team mates in an artillery piece as well like the M109 or 2S1. Use them for what they were meant to be used for.

You used to, you don’t anymore. They ‘count’ as assists in the scoreboard, but they don’t actually count as assists.

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