Nerf Scharnhorst Armor or make it 8.0

It’s more reliable than anything else. I can’t fix the Scharnhorst. I can only tell you the most reliable method of dealing with it. There are many people who don’t understand how SAP works.

To better hit in the right place, just aim slightly in front of or behind the reticle, and adjust as necessary. It’s not the easiest shot, but it’s certainly not impossible.

Alternatively, just take the Hood, and you have a better than even chance of winning a 1v1 with a Scharnhorst.


The two options to sink Scharnhorst (barbette shots & flooding) both require you hit a very specific area, and this is very much luck based because most of high calibre guns are now handicapped by terrible spreads. Yesterday I sank the same Scharnhorst twice with Hood, first time via barbette shot, where I was lucky that it only took me a few salvo to hit the right spot, but second time it spent me over ten minutes to slowly flood him to death because my shots were constantly spread like a trench gun. Had the guns having their historical accuracy I would have finished him within a few minutes.

I agree Hood is probably the best Scharnhorst hunter you can get at this moment, Amagi is a good option too but it requires you to be much more careful with your plan of manoeuvres because she doesn’t have the same level of reliable survivability. After all, fixing the accuracy for high calibre guns is something I would really love to see in the future updates.


Totally agree. After all there would be absolutely no reason to put those big caliber guns on ships irl or in game if all you need to do is to get one of the shells into one of the enemies magazines. and (considering the ships the scharnhorst faces all have worse armor) that is no less likely with its smaller caliber shells than any big caliber cannon. i don’t see why it should be necessary after already having a longer reload to also nerf the accuracy of high caliber guns ahistorically?

Never gets old observing salvo after salvo with half the shots falling short and the other half just passing above the enemy ship on sub 10 km shots. and if you hit there’s this weird sensation of a lot of the shells seemingly just creating he-like explosions on the hull without any damage with the mutsu’s or the amagi’s aphe shells. Always wondered what that is about, didn’t experience that with any other ship or shell so far, maybe because of the extremely short fuze time?

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The big explosion effect is literally just an visual effect, it has nothing related to how the shell performs which is defined by the codes. All 16" shells in game uses “large calibre hit FX” preset so they all create big explosion visual effect whenever they hit something even if the shell didn’t explode at all. Speaking of fuze delay, the Japanese 41cm AP shells have the longest delay time in the game.

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Also, what will moving it to 8.0 even do? There are no other battleships that are 8.0.

I see that’s where this big explosion is coming from. thx for clarifying

I think the point is general BR decompression. Not all 7.0 are even close to equal.

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How about introducing the concept of endurance values for turtleback armor as for main armor?
I think it would also be useful to review the accuracy of the crew arrangement and large caliber main guns, and to introduce reserve buoyancy.
Also affected are mainly Japanese Type 91 AP shell, but if the underwater shell mechanism is improved so that they travel parallel to the water surface, they should hit the underwater armor at an angle close to 90 degrees.


I played Naval yesterday, to burn some rp boosters. I finally spaded my SMS Derfflinger. I got one uptier match to max BR. And sunk the same Scharnhorst player two times (he spawned a reserve vehicle). All I did was to shoot the B barbette with AP. Again an again. In both cases the Scharnhorst lit up, sooner or later. So this kill shot still works and its one of easiest to achieve.

But nice thread anyways. Derfflinger is 6.3 with just 30.5 cm guns.

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I wasn’t aware the game itself forced people to play specific vehicles for hundreds of battles with absolutely no way to circumvent this. Poor guys, being forced to suffer like this by Gaijin…

And your hating on players that like to play a vehicle (maybe for historical reasons, maybe for the looks, maybe for its historical meaning) that was put in the game by the snail without the persons participation also doesn’t help in finding a possible solution at all. What r u gonna do? post pointless shit and text everyone of the thousand of players playing it? Does that help to solve the problem? You also behave like that in game or irl?

At one point every naval player is having to deal with facing a scharnhorst. And that time is as soon as you have reached 6.0. In any tech tree. Even trying to get to top Tier German naval you have to face it, as soon as you get SMS Westfalen. And let me tell you that aint especially fun.

Telling people to not play an awesome ship that is in the game and hating on people that do is not the solution here.

I think the issue we are having is the increase in air power that will come with higher br ships. They will need to implement new br for planes in naval battles. If they solve the air problem then I do think some expansion should come at the top br for sure. Scharnhorst is currently in a class of its own until allied ww2 battleships arrive.

You understand that people can both own and play the Scharnhorst and think it needs to be changed right? Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive, and insulting another player is not the fix for the problem.

Hating Gaijin for refusing to balance the ship and hating players for choosing to spam it are not mutually exclusive either, both can and should be done simultaneously.

You can hate all you want for as long as you live and I can happily assure you that won’t change anything in the slightest. But maybe it’s not good for yourself?
Having a proper discussion about how and why it is a problem and proposing a proper solution on the other hand might.
Damn now i really want to bring my free ace scharnhorst out again.

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Discussion is completely pointless as well, on the other hand, flaming Shitterhorsts at every opportunity and focusing them down in-game and always revenge bombing them and making their gameplay experience as miserable as possible might dissuade at least a few of them from abusing it.

Just how absolutely naive are you to think that discussion has any chance of convincing Gaijin to do anything? Last time the community forced Gaijins hand it took a massive and concerted Steam review bombing campaign. Words meant nothing then and mean nothing now.