Nerf Scharnhorst Armor or make it 8.0

We need anti ship missiles when there is scharn / Bismarck on the enemy team

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I’m not convinced they would penetrate the armour, however a nuclear tipped cruise missile would work.


If torpedoes are capable of making unrepairable breeches, then Shimakaze Type 91 torpedoes should be very capable of putting a Scharnhorst down. 1.5 ton of HE should put a massive hole in the ship, even if hitting near the belt.

And if not, then a barrage of RIM-66 standards or a few nuclear tipped RIM-8 Talos missiles will give them a bad day.

Olá pessoal!
Eu jogo com o Scharnhorst. É um navio muito bom. A cadência de tiro das armas primárias é um atrativo. 17s com a minha tripulação. Contudo, são canhões de 280mm. Pouco para o BR 7.0. É um equilíbrio. A Gaijin, na minha visão acertou. E com a modificação do sistema de lançamento de torpedos a galera nem pode reclamar. Eu tenho mais de 1300 navios abatidos com o Scharnhorst. Posso dizer que mais da metade deles foi com torpedos. Para mim, a principal arma de um navio. Perdi muito com esse novo sistema.
A Alemanha não tem muita coisa boa na árvore. Exceto o Graf Spee para Br. 5.7.
O Sachsen é muito ruim. Eu acho que a Gaijin errou nesse navio. A tendência é vir o Bismark.
Eu gosto muito de jogar de torpedeiro. A árvore alemã é sofrível. Vale a pena a fragata Kohn. Que eu acho que a Gaijin deveria investir nessa linha. Fragatas. Todos os países tem. Jogam contra submarinos e comportam helicópteros. Tem os mísseis. Eu acho melhor do que ficar inventando navios de projetos H.

Not just the armor is off but the 11" guns. The Nevada was nuked TWICE and still functioned. Then the Missouri and 5 cruisers towed it out to sink it and it took them 15 minutes to sink it with auto loading 16" guns. To say nothing of the cruisers. German 11" rounds one hit the Nevada no problem LMAO. The ship should have a tough time unless against 6.3 ships other than good armor.

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Small correction for the folks at home;
No ship was “nuked”. Nuclear bombs exploded nearby them, but none were hit. Many ships also had nuclear weapons detonate nearby and were fine. Turns out nuclear bombs don’t do anything to ships unless you hit them directly
Iowa shot at Nevada, not Missouri
There was one cruiser and one destroyer, not five cruisers
Took longer than 15 minutes (which is still great for gunfire on a battleship)
No such thing as an auto loaded 16-inch gun
Although I believe it to be greatly exaggerated in War Thunder, it is entirely possible for Scharnhorst to sink most battleships in one shot. The round can simply bypass most of the armor by travelling underwater


… 50 torpedo hits? I guess the Ghost of Kaiserliche Werft Wilhelmshaven told you this himself eh?


Would Mutsu’s 41cm (16.1) in Guns be able to Pen Scharnhorst?



Scharnhorst players right now


Now that Mutsu, a member of the Big 7 is being introduced and is capable of bloodying Scharnhorst’s nose… we’ll need the rest of the Big 7 to show up to make it fair for everyone else.

“Bismarck class AA is pretty trash AA”

Ummm… What?

Comparatively to other ships of the time. They use dual purpose 105mm mounts that arent great, they use old single shot 37mm’s which are probs some of the worst AA guns ever used in WW2, everything else is 20mm

For example, pretty sure Iowa class has more 40mm’s than bismark class has guns in general


Fairey Swordfish enter the fight

Tbf, the swordfish got hit a bunch by bismark AA, their fabric just didnt fuze the shells

I’m guessing that Mutsu is a sort of “preview” for 16" ships, and it’s possible we’ll see a wider rollout to most nations as early as next patch, seeing as (per the roadmap) it’s the one that’s supposed to give us different BRs per mode for aircraft, allowing for Naval max BR to go up.

I did ask, but never got an answer for that though. Where aircraft are going in naval. Whether they are sharing the ground BRs, staying with the air BRs or getting their own

That’s a false impression given by broken protection analysis in dev server. You can penetrate Scharnhorst’s magazine with many other shells with more than 570mm penetration in analysis but in actual gameplay neither of them will be able to penetrate.

Side note BR365 can penetrate Jumbo from beyond 2000m in dev server protection analysis

So… Time for Type 21 Frigate with Exocets to fight Scharnhorst?

I’d say just give up your hope on new vehicles that can penetrate Scharnhorst. It’s never going to be practical even if Yamato comes. I’d rather bet on improved flooding mechanics so you can effectively exploit it’s weaknesses of poor buoyancy protection

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