Needs and Potential of French Ground for "Seek and Destroy"

Point still stands, people voted in favor for it.

A better vote to represent it would have been, “Should or shouldn’t be added to the UK tree.” but by then we all knew it was being added anyways.

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I wouldn’t want GJ to have thought of this for the French TT.
Algerian Army T-90SA

Last I checked in every poll with a substantial number of people involved in it, a majority voted no, either because they didn’t want a T-90 in the British tree, or thought development efforts would’ve been better used on other more unique vehicles, which were somewhat related to Britain.

Another thought is that in a poll, everyone can vote. Meanwhile those directly effected by it are USSR, UK, and Indian players.

The poll referenced is the one where we all knew it was coming, it was a protest vote against it going to the UK by a UK player.

I wouldn’t want a U.S or USSR player telling me what vehicles I should or shouldn’t have.

Which at least to keep this on topic, loops back to Swiss vehicles as French, German, and Swiss players are the ones effected by where these Swiss vehicles go. The F.58 being another example where a jet they’ve wanted was taken from them.

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Would you consider the AMX-13 FL-12 also as a ‘need’ or more as an extra to an already saturated 8.0-8.7 BR?

This one or the Dutch version (or both with one as a modification to unlock):

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My heart says FL-15, which the Netherlands used anyways.
One I forgot was the Escorpion 2 as well.

Hey look it’s me. Also wow a whole 44% of people thought Britain should get it woooow! What cretins those 44% are

This discussion with the Bwishma seems nonsensical. You said it yourself, 56% voted against it going to the UK.

The point is referencing a poll is stupid.

Huh I just got tagged in here I dont even know what this is about but I agree I didnt want Bwishimama

One of the people above referenced a poll, which was likely yours. Which can easily be spun in a way to favor an argument.
So enjoy your stay here I guess, leave a like if you want too as well.

there is another one coming, it’s pending for approval.

it’s the Mle 1987 with an improved engine, improved turret and new suspension, new transmission, new chassis, and a new turret with APFSDS, laser rangefinder and night vision.

I believe it could be a replacement for the SK105A2 as the performance would be essentially the same. you trade a bit of turret stability (due to the fact it’s not centered) for a better top speed and much better reverse speed.

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Update worth commenting on.
• The SAMM TTB140 was added and replaced the AMX-10 RAA.
The AMX Mk32 replaced the Mowag Trinity.
• AMX-13 FL-15 (1987) added and replaced the K21-120.
• The link for the Jaguar was changed to one from the modern forum
•) VAB TA-23 replaced the AMX-10 RAA

I’ve been researching the AMX-13 FL-15 as well.

I’ve been looking for some Tropicalisé but I have only found S1 and S2 armor packages of this vehicle. The last tropicalisé from Eurosatory 2016 is, actually, a S2. Considering the quite extensive modifications applied to the chassis, without the vehicle being commercially viable, I don’t think S21 where ever “tropicalized”, aside from the XLR upgrade that brings everything the EMAT Leclerc lacked compared to the tropicalisé and AZUR kits

As I said, I’m running on old information I can’t currently source. But they took the Tropicalisé and modernized it close to the SXXI, it wasn’t an SXXI that was made Tropicalisé.

maybe to mention the new engine too, and other features such as the use of APFSDS, laser rangefinder and night vision. this version was fully French and the only nation that used something similar was indonesia with the Yonkav 2 which is much more modern and better.
the Dutch mounted the FL-15 turret on their AMX 13 but the modification stopped there. the chassis, transmission, and engine remain the same as the AMX 13. they would have the same firepower but not mobility

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That’s something else to consider. As I was thinking that this version was Dutch.

I’ve considered the Yonkav-2, but I preferred the SK-105A3 as it’s stabilized and ended up dropping it in the process.
That’s something else that can makes it’s way back to be honest.

for the Mle 1987 the main feature was previously cited.

but amounts the other tanks, France have a metric tonne of unique vehicles. some saw services in France, some was just experimental and other was for export.




RPX 90 (MARS F4)


EMBT 2017

EMBT 2022

Panhard M8


AM 40P


FCM 48


AML HS 30 with a floating kit and HEAT nullifier

Panzer 4 captured

AMC 34 APX 2

AMR 35 ZT-2


I forgot these for the list as well. 🙃
I’m trying not to turn into a comprehensive list as Gaijin already has that covered, even what’s here I’m very picky about.

the T59 would be a great addition for sure. especially if they give it the OFL 105 G1 or G2, it would give the french a tank that can take some damage amounts the MBT and make them relly less on the AMX 30 who is good but lack of protection