Needs and Potential of French Ground for "Seek and Destroy"

So… we not gonna talk about how the only Swiss jet in game, the Hunter, a British designed and built airframe is in Germany?


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I mean the french tree gonna own better hunter then uk as well kow

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We gonna mention the T-90S in the British tree?

Intresting list, you realy tried to dodge the mention of german vehicles with pretty much only naming the belgium part of possible additions xD
The addition of leo 2a4 definitly will help frenchs lack of 10.3 stuff together with the auxilary vehicles as well.
Besides that with france receiving 3 (2 in reality) new nations i just think that france realy doesnt need any more vehicles from Switzerland.
Those should rather go to a standalone swiss or german sub tree

India is something that was forced onto the UK despite their protests.
Gaijin’s justification for the F.58 was that it was the only jet that did what they wanted for the German tech tree.

As I’m not completely opposed a Swiss tech tree in Germany, but that would mean losing French technology to Germany (again).
Most of the player base having a riot from seeing one of the best versions of a struggling UK jet go to Germany because of an arbitrary justification wasn’t good to see. So a dedicated sub-tree just seems like not a very good solution.

Correction it was the only jet that did what they wanted for the german tech tree that was able to be added lazily because of copy paste and didnt require an entirely new model


I mean, you are getting prime german equipment now as well. We might lose tech to you as well since netherlands is using the only real fennek weapon carriers

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BeNeLux puts everyone wanting a traditional national French tech tree in a complicated position. 😅
We’re very likely going to get the Leopard 2A4 and 2A6, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I want them. At best, I’d be fine with the 2A4.

But there being plenty of pré-production Leclercs offers enough for an addition to the tech tree that a Leopard would be redundant, and otherwise the odd vehicle in it’s line up.
As a perfect BeNeLux sub tree would take a lot of time and space away from the regular French tech tree if everything was added.

The Swiss vehicles that I’ve listed are consistently the ones that have a meaningful connection to France and would add something. I’m not asking for unrelated vehicles besides the Mowag Trinity as it’s an actual vehicle and not a RAPIDFire mounted on a truck. If some were to be added, the likelihood all of them would be is unlikely.

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That ones questionable, Smin denied the prototypes for a reason. So seems like they consider their capabilities to be aboce 10.3

Smin denied the prototype Leclercs?
Is it because they don’t know enough about them? As the Leclercs currently modelled are based on the pré-production tests.

I mean no idea.
Leopard 2a7v is somehow modelled on tests from 30years ago as well

Gaijin went out of their way to refuse modern information about current Leclerc protection, as the UK and Swedish tests were within French requirements, but didn’t meet the others.
We don’t have unclassified information easily accessible though, just what Ukraine and Russia think about the current Leclercs.
But they still want exact numbers and layouts and refuse to make any guesstimates on the vehicles.

The armor protection was increased, but by then everyone lost interest. It would make a soft target otherwise harder to penetrate, as the Leclerc still has an excess of dead weight modelled.
So as it currently is, Gaijin thinks that a prototype Leclerc has the same level of protection as an SXXI. Which is why it’s been such a big deal to have the problem recognized.

The Leopard 2A7V as it is, is still one of the most survivable MBT’s currently. As frustrating as it likely is, it’s still in a very good position.

The T-90S that nobody asked for, sure. You mention that.

The other difference being that Indian vehicles already exist in the British Tree (see Vijayanta, Jaguar IS) with provable and reasonable links.

Whereas that I’m aware, there are no other swiss vehicles in game at all.


Yeh saw that, F.6 Hunter at 9.0

Given how underpowered (according to what sources we do have, the SRAAM has half its actual range) and buggy (we all know how buggy SRAAMs are) the missiles are, why can’t ours come down to 9.3?

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“Nobody”, there were quite a lot of people ok with it, there was petition, more people voted in favor for the T-90S rather than other unique British vehicles.

oh i wont deny that, it still is just very frustrating to me that the strv122 gets to be better armored.
If they at least made them equal

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This one?

My first thought is that voting against Russia is more of a protest vote so they don’t get more T series tanks than they need.
The majority would have preferred the Challenger Falcon if you look at the other poll.


Point still stands, people voted in favor for it.

A better vote to represent it would have been, “Should or shouldn’t be added to the UK tree.” but by then we all knew it was being added anyways.

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I wouldn’t want GJ to have thought of this for the French TT.
Algerian Army T-90SA