So my last bomber flight was a early cold war jet bomber the English Electric Canberra, but I know Gaijin won’t stop there they need to fill in the gaps where more bombers spread their wings. Some people were inspired but those who make Mods for Warthunder, but according to this game they’re being unfair to the bombers as they are putting more fighters and ships in each update.
So when can we expect Gaijin to use the funding on bigger bombers because we have rumours that the British V Force might come onto the game, or the American B-36/52/B-1, the Russia’s nuclear flying threats such as the Flapjack and the Bears.
I saw this video as gamers talk about WarThunder but may hope we can get to fly more big winged aircraft, or perhaps experimental bombers that never came into service. Just you stopped at the B-29 and it’s Atom Bomb but the Bombers need more love with that dice rolling if you know what I mean…
Like this guy who talks about the Boing B-36 Peace Maker in this video below…
Here’s another gamer who has a crush on the Anti-Flash Avro Vulcan…
This guy somehow ruined the B-52 capabilities and yes it’s a mod model based to mask as a jet fight with bottomless bombloads…
They ruined the Tu-95 “Bear” also…
So will we see more of these flying legends perhaps the earliest models of the Cold War or is Gaijin finally finished with bomber aircraft.
These bombers’ gameplay would be summarized easily.
- Spawn
- Get intercepted by fighters within a couple minutes.
- Die.
You might say it’s the same as with prop bombers, but those at least have a chance of getting to their targets before they’re bonked and/or have guns to maybe defend themselves. At tiers where air-to-air missiles and afterburners are common, yeah, no chance. Ask any Tu-4 pilot how a fight against something like AIM-9Bs goes for them.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see those things added to the game, but only after Gaijin makes bombers playable. Introducing them to the game in the current state would be a disservice to them.
I love bombers, but they are really useless in the current situation of the game. It will be sense to have those if they add a new game mode focused in tactical strikes, that the win condition is to destroy specific targets in ground, and fighters will be responsible for cover the bombers.
Oh thank you please. When will they finally undo the over the top bomber nerfs that the fighter mafia whined them into? Bombers are unplayable crap thanks to those spoiled brats. As much as I love the B-36 Peacemaker it takes a back seat to the complete garbage state that bombers are in. And the Snail refuses to fix it because the suggestions to fix them are always ‘lost’.
When I saw the B-52 made a hard turn, I was like Nope, there’s a F-16 inside that thing. Ruined.
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B-52 were meant to be fast or we might get B-1 lancer and just keep it as that.
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Agreed, perhaps we need something less wide wings and more faster. B-1, Tu-160, TSR*2 perhaps for Cold War Bombers, but then again I would love to fly the Victor, due to it’s ironic tail design.
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They should add the b-36 as a mid-gap between B-29 and the the b57 tho
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not a bad option either tho
honestly the b47 gets overshadowed by the bigger bombers and deserves more love than it gets
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well they should add both
if they do add these i hop they spawn bombers at 25,000 feet and add up too 12 bases
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But in Custom games I rather land and take off instead of being so high.
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yea but at least u get a chance tho