Need help choosing a premium lineup

“the 2a4s aren’t particularly good, the uparmored ones are”
buys a 2a4

idk man. I don’t even disagree with you, but we might just have to say all leopards are bad to save this guy money


What’s next? Pay GE for extra forum like capacity?

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Ok then I won’t, so what should I use for sweden?

Both the top results are the leo 2s. I’m so confused on what yall think is best.

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The Leo2s are not all created equal.
Leopard 2A4s have meh armor. it’s there, but they’re not particularly survivable tanks.

The various upgraded Leo 2s that are BEYOND the 2A4 standard in some way (specifically including the Leopard 2PL, the Leopard 2A4M (Canadian), the Leopard 2A5, the Leopard 2A6, the Leopard 2PSO, the Leopard 2A7V, the Leopard 2A7HU, the Leopard 2A5NL, the Leopard 2A6NL, the Strv122A, the Strv122B PLSS, the Strv122B+, and the Finnish Leopard 2A6) are far more survivable tanks and are survivable enough that your armor will troll people far more than the armor of any other tank at top tier that I have used.

Tanks that are NOT super well armored, do NOT have the trolly armor, etc:
Finnish Leo2A4
Strv121B Christian II
Hungarian Leo2A4
Leopard 2A4
Leopard 2AV
Leopard 2K
Leopard 2A4 PzBtl 123

These lists are EXHAUSTIVE

Though, if you want to go for Sweden for the sake of going Sweden, and you want a Leopard 2, you don’t have another choice. If you already have the 90105, and you want something to go along with it, the Christian II is your only at or above BR choice.

So long as you’re aware it’s not one of the Good Leo2s, but just one of the baseline ones that’s kinda meh.

Ok, I understand now,.

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I mean based off what you said about those leo’s i’m not sure if I want to go sweden anymore lol

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So, overall, once you get to Sweden’s top tier, the actual MBTs are great. The Strv122A, B PLSS, B+, 2A6 are all great tanks and that’s 4 great tanks. It’s Meta. But it won’t be at any point until you get there.

The helicopters are lame or pseudohistorical and lame

I’m not a huge fan of the Gripen. I have it in Japan from when they added the Thai tree, and I genuinely prefer to use my F-16A Block 15 OCU despite it not having thermals in the targeting pod. It carries ordnance better, carries fuel better, has more AAMs in any given CAS loadout, and can carry more munitions overall. The only thing Gripen can do for me that F-16A Block 15 OCU can’t is carry the GBU-31 2000lb Mk84 JDAM. Carrying a full CAS load, the only air to air Gripen can carry is two AIM-9Ms. No AMRAAMs.

Now, Sweden will be getting more jets in the future. Namely:
JAS-39E/F Gripen (embiggened, more AAMs, more pylons. Not sure how to feel about it. Will probably feel about it the way I feel about F-16s)
F-18 (probably this update)
F-18s are really cool. Really cool. Super cool. However, all the Swedish premium aircraft are meh or bad.

The choice of tree is really just down to what makes your brain interested.

I’m a USA/Japan main and I’m having a hard time finding anything interesting or crazy enough to venture out of my completed trees in a dedicated grind. France, Italy, China, USSR are all almost interesting enough to make me do it.

have u decided

No, lol. I’m very bad at making decisions and everyone is saying things that contradict each other

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everyone have different opinion lol

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Yeah, it just makes it difficult. Hopefully i’ll decide sooner than later.

After some thought I think i’ve decided on the Canadian leopard 2A4M. I’ve looked into it and I feel like germany will give me a better experience with the better leo. It looks it’ll be fun if I want to do some lower tiers too.

additionally installed some time until I get some money so I might look more into Russia too because it looks like they have really trolly tanks.

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Sweden is destined to get some better air superiority and they have some of the best top tier players and tanks. If you do go Sweden with the CV and Christian I also heavily recommend researching the T-80U squadron vehicle as from my experience it gets a severe amount of downtiers and is really good (and will confuse people in sim if you’re ever up for it). I’ve gotten lucky so far with my Swedish lineups as I got the Kungstiger, J35A, and now the F-5A. You’ll also have a really fun time with Swedish air, the Draken is a really fun fighter and the Viggens can hold their own really well even at top tier.

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Thanks but based off what other people said germany is gonna get way better in the future. Idk if that’s the same for sweden though.

you would appreciate that gen 2 thermal 100%

I’ve had gen 2 thermals once on the bradly and my eyes feel so good when I look at it. I’m excited but I still have a while till I can buy the can leo.

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Sweden has the potential to but it goes down to the nations actual IRL armed forces and their accruements. Germany is superior ingame and has more potential, as most nations after China don’t get as much attention. Sweden is supposed to get the Leopard 2A7 soon, under the name Strv 123A, so hopefully that sees its way to the game, I think the multiple 2A5s with slightly different armor is kinda funny but boring

If i’m being honest im more worried about future Soaa and CAS options for sweden.