Hello i’ve been playing war thunder for about 3 or 4 years now. I’m currently fed up with the abram’s and its play style. I’m making this so people can help me decide what tree and what persons I should get to grind next.
I’m looking for a really good nation. Something that has options for better things in the future. I enjoying playing Air and Ground. I also enjoy playing some CAS and CAP. I don’t care to much for mobility since I already have the abram’s. I just want something that can survive and make an easy grind.
Anything with a * by it means I already have it. I’m willing to buy 2 new premiums. If you do vote please share experience/ info about why you chose what you did.
Also if there is any other combo please share i’ll add it on!
- Leo 2A4M and Tornado IDS WTD61
- Leo 2A4M and Su-22M4 WTD61
- Leo 2 (PzBtl 123) and Mig-21 Lazur
- T-80U-E1, Mig-23* and Su-39
- T-80U-E1, Mig-23* and Ka-50
- T-80UD, T-72AV and Su-22M3*
- T80UB, 2S38 and Su-22M3*
- T-72AV, 2S38 and Su-22M3*
- ZTZ96A and J-7D
- CV 90105*, Christian II and SAAB J35XS
- CV 90105, SAAB J35XS and Mi-28A
@MrBombastic8 @MagikWT @PyroAddict @quartas121 @BOMBAY9997042 @Zyranovos
I guess its down to personal preference really, however if I were in your shoes I would skip 10.3 Russia entirely as its not really in a good state right now with all the uptiers into the 11.3 premiums, the T-72’s are just “weak”, no gun depression, no reverse speed, bad mobility overall and they don’t actually tank anything from a MBT or a light tank that uses a proper cannon. I’ve been playing the TURMS and the 2S38 + BMP-2M paired with the SU-25 and I rarely ever get a full downtier into the 9.3 games, its always full 11.3 uptiers.
Germany and Sweden are your best picks in my opinion, Sweden overall top tier is just amazing + you get good teammates. In Germany’s case the Leopards performance speak for themselves they’re pretty good and you now have the Eurofighter which is quite fun and strong both in its CAS options and in air itself.
As for China, I would not consider buying the ZTZ96A, if anything wait for the Al-Khalid to go on sale (hopefully soonish) because that thing is a menace at 11.0.
TL;DR: From my personal experience and given the current meta/br changes I’d go for either a combo of the Leopard 2A4M paired with the MIG-21 Lazur, and unlock the squadron Leopard 2 PL as a backup for GRB, or the swedish CV 90105, Christian II + SAAB J35XS. (Note I haven’t played any of these specific vehicles, but having fought and played in a lot of top tier battles they look the most fun/appealing). Can’t go wrong there.
Ok will sweeden get any good air superiority fighters later on? If not than I think
ima going to go germany
I already have a lot of Sweden, and prefer them over Germany personally, but whatever nation you want to grind, go for it. Swedish is overall well rounded, while Germany is mediocre in the air.
Ok so rn i’m split between Germany and Sweden. I enjoy CAS a lot but I also want some really good tanks. Which one has better light tanks and spaa and which one will get better in the future?
I believe all nations are getting new SPAA’s for top tier as they were talked about recently?
However, as of right now none of the current top tier SPAA’s come close to what the Pantsir can do.
I think whats important to refer here, at least to the lineups I’ve proposed is the fact that one sits at 11.7 (Germany) and can get to see 12.7 matches while Sweden sits at 10.7 with a max uptier of 11.7 which itself means it won’t get to see the 12.0+ gameplay with airplanes such as eurofighters, SU-34’s and F-15’s that can pretty much take down an entire team with one single run.
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Ok so I should go sweden. Got it
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Yea I honestly don’t think you can go wrong with 10.7 Sweden, there’s a lot of tech tree vehicles to par up with your premium lineup. Do let us know how it feels :D
Yep i’m just planing in advance for my birthday in april, but im asking so early becuase im going to watch a lot of videos to learn how to play them before I get them.
The only thing i’m worried about is swedish CAP/CAS and dogfighters but hopefully they’ll be better than I thought or get better when I get to the higher BR’s
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Buy the Russian T55AM1 and the helicopter on 8.7.
You also get an almost identical T 55 with frontal immunity against missiles, the excellent BMP 2 and a more than usable SPAA against jets and helicopters on the BR.
And! You are full downtier at half your matches or a maximum of +0.3.
In full uptier you load the rocket into the cannon and are in 9.7. more than useful.
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how about just play the game and not use premium only to distract yourself on how little skill you have in game
I’m good, I have a life to live and I enjoy playing top tier. Also it’ll be my money not yours so don’t tell me what to do with it. 🙃
not telling you do do anything with it im just saying just play the game with the tanks you already have and stop having so little skill
Why can’t I grind out new tanks to play. Also buying premium doesn’t mean you have little skill, it means you have disposable income.
buddy if you use a full lineup on premium tanks/heli/planes it means you have little to no skill in this game and need all the help you can get
How does it mean I have little skill?
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Sweden is your best bet here: good lineups with great vehicles and surprisingly good teammates! However, from my experience Swedish air tree past rank VI and up to rank VII is kinda ‘rough’, just make sure to unlock AJ37 or AJS37 for your lineup.
it literally doesn’t. unless you’re only doing ok when you have 2s38 or rdf lt or ka50 or su39 or other unusually powerful vehicles