Need help choosing a premium lineup

Thank you

So do you think I should get SAAB J35XS with the Leo 2. I already have the CV 90105

Leo 2 on 10.7 is currently not a good choice.

While the 10.7 Leos are not bad tanks, unfortunately you almost exclusively drive the BR 11.3 or 11.7.

Your opponents are usually significantly superior to you.

On the one hand, because the Leo 2, as a mobile tank with sniper qualities, is rarely able to show off its strengths on the maps. On the other hand, because the more modern enemy tanks make all of Leo’s strengths obsolete in terms of optics and ammunition.

So should I not go leo 2 and sweden?

yurr. anywho, a couple lineup thoughts:
su-39 is a FANTASTIC CAS aircraft. for its BR, possibly the best in the game that I’ve used. I get more kills in it than in F-15E/I

some of the russian premiums are such powerful vehicles that you can honestly just uptier yourself with other parts of your lineup and still do amazing easily.

I wouldn’t bother with anything soviet except for:
Any combination of the above four. Ka-50 is definitely the least useful of those four, as you can research heli tree with ground vehicles now. it’s also the least good, though it beats most western choppers ingame.

the Mig-21 Bison in the British tree is a lot of fun with its two KAB-500Kr tv bombs in ground RB. the chally 2 is just worse than the chally 1 ds though, no reason to get it.

that’s all i have to say about non US prems in this game. most other stuff is super self explanatory just looking at it.

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Ok, i’m not to interested in getting the Su-39 for the soul reason that it’s hard to play Strike aircraft at higher BRs. I’ll still consider it though.

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I would avoid the Leo 2.

I can’t do it and I regularly play the German lineup with 2 Leo 2. And I’m always taught otherwise.

You are forced into a very passive playing style. At least when you play alone.

Things work better in a squad. Here you can also play offensively with your mobility in the group.

the tailpipe IRCM and the 104% thrust and the incredible offensive weapons combined with a BR of only 11.3 (F-16C, F-15E are 12.7 in GRB. even A-10C, a far slower and less useful aircraft, is 12.0) and ALWAYS BEING ON THE SAME TEAM AS THE PANTSIR is an incredibly powerful combination.

You’ll have to make sacrifices with the weapons, because it’s a Su-25 variant and they refuse to plumb every pylon for everything

the targeting pod and the radar pod are really heavy and both are dubious. you don’t have thermals.

it’s a shockingly good aircraft for what it looks like. tis all

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hmmm, i’ll wait and see what happens the next update. Maybe we get 12.3 GRB and 0.7 will decompress. Making the leo 2 good again

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fighting in a leo 2 with more armor than the baseline 2a4 (so, for instance, a 2pl or a 2a4m or a 2a5+) basically requires no thought. you just kinda win

to be clear, this isn’t an accusation against german/swede tree players, this is my experience from the 2pl and 2a4m

So any up armored leo is easier to kill?

Russian bias

I would like that message but i’m out lol.

gripen E, Finnish hornet, and f35

the uparmored leos are uparmored enough that you won’t immediately die all the time.

when i said “fighting in a leo 2 … requires no thought” i meant playing it, not killing it

their turret rings are minimal and especially some of the hulls on these things are great and trolly. they’re the best tanks in war thunder*

(japanese 4 sec autoloader tanks can be better as they allow more lethality in less time ofc, abrams also shoot faster but have far less effective armor and american teams just crumble, but on balance, leo2a7/strv122a/pso/whatever are the best tanks in the game currently. honorable mention to the challenger ii black knight as its aps can shoot down apfsds and that lets the vehicle act VERY silly for a short time)

Ok i’ll get the christian II then and the SAAB and i’ll play them with my CV 90105

id recommend getting the T80/ SU39 combo since its pretty good at cas and you never have to deal with the pantsir, tho if you intend to grind air rb id recommend getting a fighter like the mig23 instead.

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Do what you can’t help doing. But why you believe the person who doesn’t drive the Leopard himself, only you can know.

I have 1700 battles with the Leopards. And I’m telling you, you’re buying the worst option of all.

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I already have the mig-23 so that’s good

Christian II is a normal 2a4, yes? Not survivable like what I describe.

2A4M quite survivable
2a5, 2a6, 2a7, pso, 2pl, etc

2a4 (pzb 123, christian ii, 2a4nl, etc) are NOT particularly well armored. They’re worse tanks than Abrams.

2a4m, 2pl, 2a5/a6/a7 are better.

Type 90 is WAY better. Glass cannon, but a great tank.

You can’t go wrong with Su-39/T80UE1/2S38