Naval servers

Would it be too much to ask to keep the naval servers running? If EC isn’t down, then we are getting constantly booted from the regular servers with “bad network connection” and “disconnected from server” errors. This has been happening since the weekend. Please advise as to what the cause is, and when it will be fixed. Thank you.


It has been happening for a very long time now.


Maybe Gaijin would care to address it. I have noticed it over the past several months at least, but not nearly as bad as the last few days. That and the constant EC servers just not working for days at a time makes me skeptical that they care about naval players except when it’s time to sell us a new ship.

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The servers try to boot anyone with a bad internet connection out first such as myself from what I noticed. Afterwards it either runs fine or boots everyone out.

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That seems like an issue if one person can bring down the whole server. It’s been happening a lot lately and I’ve noticed it sometimes kicks off over half the team if I’m able to make it back into the match.

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Had a match earlier where all but 2 people on each team(myself included) were unable to rejoin. The last enemy who was left got kills on everyone. On my team who got disconnected and single handedly won the game because I got disconnected again as soon as I aimed at his ammo which let him win the match with 10 kills and 5k score.


3 of 2 matches I have same problem.


And we have no fixes in sight and not any response from gaijin on this issue after over a year of it being prevalent in a bad way. Naval is slowly dying more and more and now that the bots are being removed it is harder and harder to find a match and then you have that 50% or higher chance of that match instantly ending due to the server being dumb


No. This is happening since the last update. 0 issues before that. And I play naval a lot.

People who like to say something is dying are always wrong


I don’t know Vianochka. I had disconnects like this prior to the last update. But nowhere near as often as I get them now. And, prior to the last couple months, I played a lot of naval. [I’d love to play a lot of it now. But I can only get kicked out of servers so many times before I’m forced to give up.]

And, as much as I love naval, it does feel like it’s dying. And with the lack of effort Gaijin appears to be putting in towards this issue, and that it’s getting worse, I really don’t think they care if it does die. Which is truly sad.


I’ve only found one positive to the server situation. If you recognize that you are going to be disconnected, sometimes you can force the game to close with task manager and get back in the same match. If you do, you are likely to be one of the only players in the match. The rest of the ships will not be shooting, and will be sailing straight into whatever shells or torpedoes you fire. You can rack up quite a score.

Other than that rare case, I agree. I don’t think Gaijin cares much about naval. They can’t even be bothered to turn on the EC servers half the time or switch between realistic and arcade.


That’s… not a terrible idea. I mean, I try to do that after I get kicked. But doing it beforehand would increase my odds. Oooh, might try that later.


If this is really the case in 99%, it is because of our disliked colleagues from Asia, of which there are a lot on the ships, and more so bots that connect through the vpn through which, it throws out the servers, seriously players from a certain country from Asia are a serious problem of this game, don’t even go about bots anymore, but here even the aspect of disabling entire servers comes in.


Like adding naval trees to new nations, new mechanics like scout planes or specific crew voices? Yeah, 0 effort…

Next or one of the next updates will be French coastal. Dont forget to post something like “snooze, boat” and then keep saying above.

None of that matters if the servers remain terrible. “Oooh, look at all this new content that’s completely unplayable!” Dude, you’re not talking to someone who hates naval, or likes to bash it. I’m a naval main. I enjoy naval. I want it to succeed. And right now, I see no effort from Gaijin for dealing with game-breaking problems. Adding new stuff means nothing when the game you have to use it in doesn’t work right.

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The servers started kicking entire lobbies around the time the crafting event dropped last fall so it has in fact been a year.

They would rather remove the bots which are currently the only thing keeping naval alive with these trash servers. If the servers were fixed it would be possible. Also naval at around 3.3 to 3.7 is mostly dead and is only viable at 4.0+ due to bots(bot accounts) right now. I sat in a lobby for 5 minutes at reserve with France to get a match that was 90% in game bots(not bot accounts)

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This was part of my concern with the press to get rid of the bot players. Yeah, they do need to be eliminated. But I was concerned that it would impact the ability to get games. I despise the in-game bots. But as they kick out the player-bots, and until the game can stand on its own with actual players, they may be a necessity. Because the 5+ minutes queues will just kill this game’s chances of flourishing.

They are terrible during this event. 0 issues before that and I guess there will be zero issues after. So in long term, Gaijin care about naval.

I had 0 issues before this crafting event so no, its not in fact a year…