It seems to me that they did not take into account the power balance between bluewater fleets and boats when making this system change. Boats are instantly reduced to sea debris when in sight of bluewater fleets with VT rounds. Even if it is not close.
The LEAD indicator was fine - but the RANGE finder was calculating LEAD not RANGE… unlike what it says in the name of the system!!
IRL of course range-finding systems since the early 1900’s have calculated lead AND range, and rate of change of both - even with “just” mechanical computing:
This video shows the basic components of a mechanical computer
and this one shows how they work together in a fire control system:
That should happen though. There’s a situation that can occur where HE shell blasts the front of a Coastal boat non-stop for endless rounds, and it only keeps the bow black without killing it when it should be completely obliterated by that point.
Damn, just found out they reduced the BRs of a bunch of capital ships to 6.0 lol
So now, as soon as you get to 5.0 and the bad uptiers properly start, thanks to the new aiming and accuracy buffs (although the accuracy buffs would have been a good thing with the old aiming system) you’ll get instantly annihilated by capital ships you can’t scratch.
But of course, there’s still no motivation to slog on through and get a 6.0 for yourself, since 90% of games you get are just facing the 7.0s, which, again, instantly annihilate you. And that’s on top of all the other problems already in the mode. Is there even any point playing Naval Arcade now?
I’m so glad the Strasbourg event has just ended, no need to play Naval anymore until they revert the aiming changes and decompress the BRs. Never seen devs try and succeed in ruining a gamemode so quickly. Are they doing it purposely or are they just play their own game that little & so out of touch with the playerbase that they think it’s a “good” thing?
It isn’t a case of “just play realistic”. I liked AB, I didn’t like RB and I still don’t… that’s why i played AB. Just like you wouldn’t “just” swap to air or ground AB if they ruined the RB mode in that.
And they shouldn’t add the option to swap between the new & old aiming in the options… why would you handicap yourself when everyone else would be using the new aimbot mode?
I actually complained before the patch that 6.3s in France have an absolutely terrible experience. At least with faster ships you can find ways to get some torps at them. 6.3 vs 7.0 spaded can have 30 minute matches where you do almost no damage the entire match. The aiming seems to solve auxiliary gun problems where it’s very difficult to figure out how to fire them accurately between main battery volleys.
I just had a downtiered match in the newly 6.0 Courbet, and it was quite easy. There’s no way to threaten a point, but I can mop ships out in the open. It might not be so bad afterall if the point of AB is to have quick matches. Grinding out a 6.3 to Spade seemed like the most pointless task, but now it feels easy. You just have to get over how lame it feels to have no control over your guns’ spread.
Queues are pretty long though, so it really seems dead.
Another edit: Got into a normal battleship match, and I’m falling asleep. I don’t even have to look at the screen half the time. I guess this is good to farm lions and watch an actual movie on a second monitor, but this is a serious lack of charm and required concentration. I feel like going to read a book instead.
(If that doesn’t scare a game developer, I don’t know what will. “BOOOOKS?!?!?!?!?!?”)
I’m actually grateful that battleship combat is simpler, but what if Auxillary guns were AI aimed but main guns required aiming?
I just feel like this auto-aim thing is way too broadly applied.
Is anyone else getting really high camera shake even though they have the setting set to 0? It’s incredibly disorienting for naval. Also, I have the same issues with salvos going way off target for no reason.
The guns aim for you.
Naval arcade finally has a reason for me to play it over realistic.
Arcade should be easier than realistic, and this new aiming system fixes my one issue I had with arcade.