Naval is unplayable right now

Naval is a shame overall

It’s only been a week since i called them a bunch of clowns. So I played a game, immediately got a rape alarm because of “depth”, rage quit. This will be a Battle Pass I won’t be completing.

Just no…

My latest thing to hate…ships that drop to 0% and magically stay alive, even gain health, for a minute or more still moving and shooting whilst absorbing salvo after salvo. At first I thought maybe I was having connection issues until it happened again, and again, and again…

They attempted to remove the ‘dead yet still alive’ issue for air targets (sort of worked, well except for the wingless, flat spin, still living ones) and just seemed to have made an equally bad version for Naval.

Plus I’m not fully convinced they’ve fixed the HE issue. Feels more like they just simply dialed down the damage to give the impression as I can still knock out modules on big ships with one salvo with unnerving regularity rather than having to brute forcing through the armour or relying on a lucky penetration. Maybe some ship models are better than others but it’s certainly doesn’t feel like a universal return to old times.

Oh well, at least it’s entertaining in a morbid kind of way!

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Yes, 152 mm sap should definitely 1 shot and penetrate a battleship.

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I would put up the replay link, maybe someone would have time to look at it and figure out which plate it penetrated and if it should have. Maybe there’s another protection bug there, idk. The point is everyone was complaining about HE overpenning, which since yesterday it doesn’t do so much anymore. SAP still could be overbuffed too or it could be that the added shrapnelling is showing up some armor holes no one had noticed before.

Ok, looks like you are guy who believes everything, when it is in the internet with the label wiki on it.
real knowledge = read the source code of the matchmaker (which will of course never be possible). And Gaijin a reliable source ? hmm you did notice that they silently reverted some of the HE nonsense with out any notification ?
No real knowledge here too, but experience in 20+ battles yesterday and data mining of some guys
Gaijin is a company with the goal of earning money, so i take any notification with a grain of salt as I do it with any other company.
And I trust my personal stats more than any notification from Gaijin. And in this case they totally differ.

But I’m 100% sure I will never convince you cause I have not the label wiki :)

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This game has been datamined to death. If you think people haven’t seen the code for the matchmaker, you are incorrect. I have seen many examples of code from the game for computations used in game posted on the forums.

Yes I was aware they made changes, that usually happens with updates. Being on the forums regularly has it’s perks, like being up to date on changes the community notices.

You won’t because you have no convincing data to go off of. You think noone has seen the matchmaker code even though this game is datamined constantly. You think your personal experience is more valuable than datamines and the experience of the community at large, and want to grandstand like you are someone with a superior intellect because you are a skeptic of everything that deals with Gaijin. I take the game wiki as a credible source because it ISN’T run by Gaijin, players populate the information. Enjoy thinking that noone knows how the matchmaker works.

Gaijin just put out a change long for today’s update, better hurry up and ignore what it says because Gaijin published it.

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So uh… can we do something about this? I am kinda sick getting spammed to death with this toxic machine. It´s not fun to play with and against it.

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Peak gameplay, this game is broken AF.
(yes, I spawned like this)


This game… there are sometimes no shells incoming at all and you just get a death screen that you’ve been killed by something like Graf Spee from more than 12 km. I was in a Japanese cruiser so was chilling on the back, always in motion and always getting the torpedoes out, paying attention to make sure nobody is shooting at me, so I could change direction. Just poof and you are dead out of a sudden.

How about when I’m in a destroyer, paying attention that there are no planes with bombs incoming from spawn, checking the map constantly for them, then suddenly a red dot appear right above your ship and you get bombed from 1 km? Where the freak did that plane come from? The game was almost over, as usual, it was one of these matches we were winning the whole time, then suddenly the game injects new players and we get steamrolled. This is so dumb on so many levels.

Also, in what kind of world a tall cruiser has the same exact torpedo spotting distance that a 1.0 dinky torpedo boat has?


Guys,they even secretly nerf Pr.123 boat)))max fire range was about 3.09km,now its 2.60!why him?!?amazing!

Poor little boat from low BR.(

You obviously need a bigger warning then…



Yeah, you’d have thought they would reconsider/fix/overhaul the torpedo spotting distance thing by now but nope, it looks like it’d remain broken for a little while more.

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Noone looks for the bubble trail do they? Have to have a warning blare at you to notice a torp? If it were up to me, the torpedo warnings and shallow water warnings would not exist in RB. Force situation awareness a bit more and torpedos will become more effective because clueless people would suffer the consequences. I feel the same about automatic AA fire, it just dumbs down the game mode and awards free kills to undeserving players. What sense does it make to have a manual targeting system for your available weaponry if you never need to use it?


They nerf KPV machine-gun on this boat.not torps)))looks like it became too dangerous for Atlanta in new realities.

About torp warning.
It disappeared,looks mine warning too.

It only sounds,but no markers,like before.any info in upload?no.another secret?rat politics?

For me, its the inconsitancy of the warnings. Sometimes i’ll get warned with enough time to do something about it, others I’ll get 0 warning at all, even as the torp is slamming into my ship

It yoyos from one extreme to the other, rather randomly. Whilst I agree. It does force an increased situational awarness, and torps can usually be spotted easily enough, I also dont think there is any harm in, if nothing else, crewman calling “torpedo in the water, bearing xxx” I dont think would be unreasonable, they are usually some big ships with plenty of crew onboard, not just 1 person

p.s also, we need a “Torpedo in the water” quick message, so you can more easily communicate with your teammates when you do spot a torp


The naval gamemode already have the players wear a lot of hats from actively steering the ship while trying to find a good targeting solution, all the while trying to manage the best way to avoid getting the worse hit from the incoming volleys if they can, adding manual torpedo detection, water depth guesstimation, and proactive anti-aircraft action is just not an enjoyable balance of workload for a gameplay experience.
Sure, player can be tunnel visioned by just not reacting when they are watching torpedo launches or when they see the bubble trail, but neither option are readily visible depending on the game conditions (in fact, from my experience, bubble trail is most apparent during sniper view, as by the time you see them in third person, it’d be way too damn late to react to it in a meaningful way).
So audio and/or visual cue and other automated features/alerts here would better emulate how your ship actually have crew onboard relaying combat relevant information to you, the captain, to make the final call.

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