Naval is unplayable right now

Or is it a kind of quest?"find all bugs!and get doubler!

What about bubble trail of different depth torps?1m or 4m?i think they don’t mentioned this fact.

I threw that as a suggestion once, it got passed to the devs so…now it’s up to Gaijin to see how that will take form…if it will take form and not swept under the rug…


Yeah. I think it should be part of a total overhaul of the quick message system. Its about time we had gamemode specific set of quick messages. Like why the hell do we still have a “attack the D point” quick message, but nothing for something like “Winchester” or “Requesting locations” for air. Would be really helpful for air sim.

And yeah, plenty for naval as well, like torps in the water, requesting repair or tow.

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They just made Air atack warning not so long time ago))

i turned down the voice warnings because they were just garbage clutter … from the time they came out a few said they were wonderful but those were the serial suckups … the realistic said they were an unwanted distraction and worth less than nothing just a distraction to clutter up the warnings you do want … it was and always has been a 3 vodka bottle idea … yet still it is there … even on a fairly modern frigate there are 7 full time lookouts and 10 part ( most of the ) time lookouts … in a disciplined western naval ship there is plenty of reaction time to all threats that can be picked up visually
routine orders and responses to orders are restricted to the coms channels dedicated to the sectors concerned they do not spam the ship with them

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An audible cue make sense in RB, the indicator above the torpedoes doesn’t make sense to me. I’m all for these things in Arcade, but not so much in Realistic. Similar to the audio cues when your crew spots an enemy ship and will call it out, but not mark it like Arcade. It brings the skill ceiling up a bit but would be a positive for gameplay and allow ships to be a bit more successful with torpedoes. I like the audio cues because that is what you would get as a Captain, not a visual blip above a torpedo that was spotted. Again this is only for Realistic, keep the visual cues for Arcade all day.

Auto gunners is one of the worst features Naval has right now. You don’t see rooftop MGs on tanks firing at random targets whenever they feel like it, even when the player is unaware. Yes, a naval crew is much larger and more complicated than a tank crew and could act somewhat independently when ordered to, but the auto gunners need to go. Then planes and costal vessels can have some use against bluewater ships since they won’t get automatically deleted by unaware players with no input at all.


I agree with you on the quick messages. Most of them are quite useless and need some updating for every mode.


I think they should change the ai gunners to a 2 tier system. The first tier is regular auto targeting and it is not good. The second tier is activated when the player selects a target for the ai gunners. It will be much better at aiming but only lasts for a set amount of time. Then the ai will revert back to the first tier until the player selects another/same target.

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I would say that would be a pretty good idea, but the volume of fire that ships can put out can negate that inaccuracy most of the time. I see the issue as the same as when they disabled main battery autofire, it is just a feature that degrades the quality of gameplay for everything other than bluewater ships. Making manual targeting the standard for engaging when not controlling a weapon seems like the only way to bring costal and aircraft back into usefulness. I say this because approaching any bluewater ship is basically impossible, especially closing in on it, and the player probably has no clue or you can see the main batteries are trained away from you.

That’s the thing. AB and RB are barely discernable from each other.

RB should have no markers. You should not get the close up camera with damage inflicted either. There should not be the notch to tell you where to fire. There should not be AI aimbot gunners, you should aim everything yourself. No yellow/red warnings about nearby land. And most of all, if you can’t see the ship (because it is hidden behind an island) you should not be able to lock on it. All this belongs to arcade, not RB.

It’s the same with AAB and ARB. They are literally turning ARB into AAB with every update.

If you must dispense with the individual markers for torpedoes (which I personally have nothing against especially if you spent skill points on its detection range) then yeah, enhanced audio cues could be rather desirable, although given how Gaijin does things currently, it’d either be something that’d be flooding the audio channel if it detects a spread, or if it generalizes the direction to just “torpedoes, port side” it wouldn’t be accurate enough to be helpful.
As for auto gunners, I also don’t mind them since they let me focus on the thing I play naval for (namely, hit ship good), I did stole throw out a suggestion there to give planes and coastal ambushes a chance: tie AI firing modes to their respective crew placement. You don’t want to lose crew by sending them to their death on external AA mounts when you are engaging a surface target? Put your AI firing mode to shoot no target, and they would be safe in your hull, but at the cost of you being vulnerable to what your AA suite would protect you against.
Sure, it’s not perfect, but hopefully, that’d give an opening wanted without making it seem like you need to be personally involved with every operation of naval warfare to be effective. (This is, more or less, similar to the argument of “why don’t you just spawn SPAA?” in GRB. Swatting at planes just isn’t what most people who play Naval signed up for)

Wasn’t there supposed to be an option in the settings somewhere that lets you toggle between the current earful and the older voice lines? I seem to remember that supposedly being a thing back when the new voice lines were rolling out, but I can’t seem to find it either…

When they introduced voice lines I played using them for a couple and games and quickly turned them off. It’s like Gaijin have never been in a ship, crews don’t shout unless there’s a reason too as it rather defeats the purpose of verbal alarms. Ironically the best alarm is an unplanned silence which means crash stop vents and usually a fire, enough to snap you out of a deep sleep.

As fir visual warning messages - love/hate them. Fire, torpedo, shallow water, aircraft etc are very useful in theory but poorly implemented (pointing specifically at you Mr depth warning!). I would like them placed at the top of the screen, either top left above the radar, or between compass and ticket count. They would catch your eye but not fkahs in your face obscuring the very island you’re being told to avoid.

And on a related note - Can we have a choice between true and relative bearing for such things? (unless it’s an option I’ve overlooked?). Radar and other movement related bearings are usually 0-359deg, whilst relative bearing warnings and markers are pt/stb 0-180 (or red/green if you want to confuse outsiders). Be nice to set each according to the task… And please no negatives unless it’s a weapon mount rotation/elevation, I’ll let them slide.

Rant complete…again…for now…until I think of more annoying naval issues (so many!).

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Wait, so there is an option to turn it off! What is the setting called? I looked under everything in audio settings I think.

I don’t recall if it’s on/off or a volume slider, I’m not at home to check.

Whichever it was a blessing to silence the HANDS TO PANIC STATIONS which I found annoying in volume, overused in content, and particularly unrealistic for anything more modern vessels.

Yeah, I particularly hate how it’s on the same audio channel as team callouts so while the crew are going on and on and on about passing commands down the chain of command, any team communication is secondary and by the time you heard it, it probably isn’t relevant anymore.

would really love it if i could spawn into the start of a match and not get smacked by larger ships in the first 15 seconds of a match.

cant forget the annoy jerking that a ship when it loses its bridge

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As this is a combined arms game, expecting to only play other ships, tanks, or aircraft is somewhat unrealistic. Especially since aircraft played such a pivotal role in naval warfare, especially in with the ships in game. It hampers the mode to have costal vessels capable of destroying larger ships be destroyed with no player input and the same goes for planes. Part of the allure of Naval is to be able to use the torpedo bombers and dive bombers for what they were designed for. Look at the US and Japanese trees at the amount of naval dive/torpedo bombers. It is an amazing thing to be able to do a torpedo run on a ship with these amazing aircraft, but it is impossible because you can’t even get into attack range, not because of player skill but because AA fire is automated. What is the point of playing torpedo boats and torpedo bombers when you can’t close the distance on an unaware target? ALL unaware targets WILL KILL YOU if you approach. Keep all this auto gunner and visual indicator stuff in Arcade, it makes sense there. But in realistic it makes sense to take those things away for audio cues and manual targeting selection because that is what a Captain would actually deal with.

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This is a combined arms game in the sense that you can play different varieties of vehicles if you want, although this doesn’t always mean that it translates into it being an effective choice.
I do agree that pulling off a successful torpedo run is a thrill and that’s why I always have a torpedo bomber of some sort in my lineup, and yes it being struck down by a hailstorm of bullets isn’t fun, however, I can understand it from the quality of life perspective that people who play Naval don’t particularly want to address non-naval targets got the choice. And if you do want to be involved as a captain, you can always manually assign the AA/secondaries to target a specific target at the cost of them largely turning a blind eye to everything else. Maybe that’s more accurate than just general “shoot anything that flies” but as you have brought up elsewhere, that isn’t really a solution due to the sheer volume of fire some ships are capable of dishing out.
This just all leads to the main problem for people who choose to engage in dive/torpedo bombing in relation to reality: it’s just you, against an anti-air suite meant to fend off the whole aerial formation. Autogunners by themselves (at least to me) aren’t a problem as much as you are one plane facing off countless barrels pointing in your general direction. Not only does this make you literally singled out, but when you are facing a ship of such notoriety anyway, what is a single bomb/torpedo going to do? So in the end, I think the issue is that planes and boasts just aren’t in meta except for occasional moments to meme.